[h2][center][color=lightgreen]A.R.K Public Resources Terminal[/color][/center][/h2] [hider=Cities and Towns] [hider=Arclight] [h2][center][color=mediumorchid]Arclight[/color][/center][/h2] [color=lime]Faction[/color]: Neutral (Protected territory under Aqueous) [color=lime]Classification[/color]: Town [color=lime]Population [/color]: 4,000 Est. [color=lime]Production[/color]: Mining, Automotive Manufacturing, Munitions Manufacturing, Metal Working, Gunsmithing, Stone Cutting, Marble Working. [color=lime]Notable Areas[/color]: The Arclight Mine, Restored Automotive Plant, Restored Munitions Factory, Metals Foundry. [color=lime]Description[/color]: Arclight exists solely as a mining and manufacturing community, shipping raw metals and processed goods. They provide a steady stream of earthen resources; metal, stone, and marble. Their main staple of trade are the munitions and ballistic arms they create; they are not proficient enough in the advanced areas of gunsmithing to achieve a profitable margin from it. The restored automotive plant is used mainly for parts and pieces, rather than whole construction, but does provide an income. The area around Arclight is a mixed desert. Lots of rocks, cactus, and shrubbery, with a few thorny trees and plants in between. Despite being located upon the side of one of the great mountains, there exist few hills around Arclight, mostly remaining semi-flat with a few small rises. There is also a considerable amount of wildlife in the vicinity; only a handful of which are not hostile or dangerous. The area within Arclight shows the calloused hands of dedicated fabrication. Many of the buildings are welded together from scrap metals, and those created from the foundry. Though they do not have any protective walls around the town itself, the houses are formidable in their own right. Very little are restored ruins, or wood. The main outer shell of the structures are typically thick metal, with bars over windows and metal shutters. The metalwork inside is thinner, but well crafted. The people are burly and tough, even pleasant once you get past the abrasiveness of most. Nearly all of the males patriotically work the mines, leaving most of the smithing and crafting to the women. Though, you'll hardly find a clean person there, everyone is either covered in some form of dirt or grease, and the local fashion trend seems to be "Leather Apron". Not many problems exist around Arclight. The occasion spider infestation, big or small, within the mines, and the hostile wildlife are about all there is to worry about. The town has never come across anything that couldn't be shot to death.[/hider] [hider=Ashford] [h2][center][color=lightgreen]Ashford[/color][/center][/h2] [color=lime]Faction[/color]: The Gaens [color=lime]Classification[/color]: Small Town [color=lime]Population [/color]: 400 Est. [color=lime]Production[/color]: Chemical Technology, Metallurgy Sciences, Studies of Cave Fauna and Flora, Mushroom Farming. [color=lime]Notable Areas[/color]: The Ashford Caverns [color=lime]Description[/color]: Ashford is more of a science facility than an actual town. Only those dedicated to specific areas of science, and the mushroom farmers, live there. Primarily research is done on the caverns themselves, concerning the specific things that grow, live, and breed there. Anything from fungi and moss, to animals, insects, and bacteria. Additionally Ashford follows the common theme of the Gaens, being producers of a food source. A variety of mushrooms are host to the caverns, and the edible ones are largely cultivated, growing quickly and up to twelve feet in height. There are also minors studies there, such as the practise of using chemical compounds to melt away useless rock, while leaving behind more precious metals and gems. The outlying area around Ashford is a mixed desert. Lots of rocks, cactus, and shrubbery, with a few thorny trees and plants in between. Being located upon the side of one of the great mountains, there exist a scattering of hills and slopes south and east, while the north and north-east remains semi-flat. There's not an abundance of wildlife around the community itself, though humanoid threats have caused the town to seek protection, employing security of Motum Diversum. The front most system of caves and caverns have been sculpted into the mushroom farms, with much of the science taking place from deeper within. The area within Ashford is sleek and simple. Their buildings consist of pieces from the great Ark ship, fabricated together into laboratories, and bunkhouses. Though there are no specific, individual places of residence, there are barrack-esque community homes, with a living area, kitchen, and sleeping area. There's not much danger behind the sleek, metal walls and the tempered, bullet proof glass. The people there are polite, if not a tad overly eccentric. Though some of them hold much disdain from human contact, others are quite friendly and much less cynical. The mushroom workers are most brusque and speak freely, though that may be due to the fact that a mushroom lager flows freely during downtime. The most trouble Ashford has is the threat of banditry from roving bands of raiders or slavers. Not many animals trouble the facility, and any that do are quickly handled by the Motum Security Force. Occasionally wildlife within the caverns causes a stir, but there are typically only few injuries and even fewer deaths.[/hider] [hider=Aspin] [h1][center][color=lightgreen]Aspin[/color][/center][/h1] [color=lime]Faction[/color]: The Gaens [color=lime]Classification[/color]: City [color=lime]Population [/color]: 12,000 Est. [color=lime]Production[/color]: Agricultural Sciences, Chemical Sciences, Medical Sciences, Weaponized Sciences, Earth Science, Biology, Formal Sciences. [color=lime]Notable Areas[/color]: The Greenfields, ARK Reactor Core, ARK Library, ARK Terminal Server Farm, Disease Center, Zoology Animal Zoo, Botanical Gardens. [color=lime]Description[/color]: Aspin itself is a milestone for science and technology. Comprised mostly of pieces from the ARK ship, Aspin is a modern academy of science, accepting all applicants in the pursuit of knowledge and discovery. Though the city's studies touch nearly every branch of science, there are a few main focuses in which most of the manpowered is applied too. Though a few of the smaller, key operations include the Reactor Core; which can take a small amount of energy and substantially multiply it: The ARK Library; where the terminals information and coding databases are compiled and shared with the public: And The Terminal Server Farm; which is the only server farm capable of maintaining all Terminal information based traffic, logging, and storage. The Greenfield is a critical objective for maintenance and study. An expanse of greenland that has kept relics of the old world alive on it's fields. Many old world plant life, and crops exist on this land. The field is approximately 48 miles long, and 16 miles wide. The outlying areas around Aspin are sandy dunes, and expanses of hot yellow sand. The winds that blow across the desert do not bother Aspin much, as they reside behind walls in which the blowing sand banks upon. Sandstorms to pose some annoyance, but for the most part, only the heat reflective off of the uniform surface poses an issue to those wandering outside. This area is mostly home to reptiles, small mammal like creatures, and birds of prey. The area within Aspin follows the theme of its other towns and settlements, sleek gray metal pieced together from the ARK ship. The majority of the great vessel exists within this city, though parts of the city are fabricated from Dust methods, it hardly shows due to the process in which the Aspin workers build their structures. The streets are of packed earth, set with shaped stones. A team of sweepers helps remove excess sand from the city. The personality of the people of Aspin come at great variety. One will find every kind of personality trait amongst the people there. Though most are no-nonsense scientists, the personalities of ordinary staff and families are as widely varied as any city. Aspins problems consist mostly of only those regarding science in nature. Unsolved equations and elusive theories plague every scientific mind. Though, in the more physical sense there is always the potential for a mutagenic viral outbreak. Most wildlife stays away from the walls, and humanoid threats don't dare to challenge the city and its hired security.[/hider] [hider=Bakersville] [h2][center][color=steelblue]Bakersville[/color][/center][/h2] [color=lime]Faction[/color]: Aqueous [color=lime]Classification[/color]: Village [color=lime]Population [/color]: 70 Est. [color=lime]Production[/color]: Trade [color=lime]Notable Areas[/color]: The School [color=lime]Description[/color]: Bakersville can hardly be considered anything other than a gathering of people with a common purpose. But for formality, and technicalities, it is classified as a village. Even though all of the outlying buildings are ruins of the old world and are in a desolate state of decay. The only building worthy of mention, flagpole and all, is the school. Repaired with whatever scraps were on hand, a team of scavengers used this as a base of repleshentment. Now however it has become sort of a pilgrimage for some scavengers, some making their way there to trade whatever the find along their journey, before considering themselves actual scavengers. The building has been repurposed from a facility of teaching to a sort of large inn. Travelers may stay as needed, and trade with the merchants, usually older persons unfit for travel anymore. A few legacy families still live there, to maintain and operate the school for future generations, and as a monument in scavenger culture. The outlying area around Bakersville is mixed desert. Though it is considered the rocky fields of cactus, there do exist some of the other common features of a common mixed desert; thorny trees, shrubbery, and the occasional desert flower. There are large amounts of wildlife that roam around the hills around Bakersville. The flattest part in the whole area is that of the ruined town, and the school. Despite being a pilgrimage site for scavengers, many still claim the outlying area still holds secrets within its hills. The area within Bakersville was obviously once a town, turn to rubble after The Fall. The buildings are crumbling relics of a distant age, with only a few still resembling actual places of residence. Many are just fragments of wall surrounded by rubble. The old asphalt roads still exist here, though they are heavily pockmarked, cracked, and nearly buried beneath dirt. The school itself is a bit ramshackle, though organized. The classrooms repurposed into inn like suites for travels, with the larger areas locked for storage. Most of the trading happens within the old gymnasium, where one can claim an unused stall to show their wares. Most of the windows have been boarded up, but in such a fashion as to allow moderate security, and still allow the inner parts of the old school to be lit up. It is still recommended to bring a lamp. You'll never find a better haggler than the merchants of Bakerville, those of the legacy family who live there full time. They are wise, tactful, and operate with a certain degree of cunning; to which a man may find himself a new set of laces in which he had to trade his shoes for. When not business dealing, they are friendly and quite accepting of all people, with any story. They are one of the very few who openly do not fear Immortals, and are even rumored to harbor fugitives, for a price. Despite the plethora of wildlife around Bakersville, the school never finds itself having a problem larger than a small rodent, or the occasional spider. Outside is quite another story, as the area is host to a number of species, many of which are not herbivores. For some, the risk is not worth it to travel to Bakersville, one could find themselves dead a thousand different times by just crossing the road. It's even been rumored that a man was dragged from an open doorway off into the deserts. (It is also rumored that scavengers later looted the body.)[/hider] [hider=Brimson] [h2][center][color=steelblue]Brimson[/color][/center][/h2] [color=lime]Faction[/color]: Aqueous [color=lime]Classification[/color]: Town [color=lime]Population [/color]: 3,500 est. [color=lime]Production[/color]: Hunting, Leatherworking, Animal Husbandry, Butchering. [color=lime]Notable Areas[/color]: The Pastures [color=lime]Description[/color]: Brimson is the kinda town where everybody knows each other, and gossip flows as freely as ale. This town survives by the desert wildlife that exists around it. The families here make enough profit to keep their town afloat, and still buy their wife that sunday dress they've been wanting. The major output of this town is hunting, and the goods that go with it: Meats, Leathers, and the likes. They also have a formidable way of pasturing the more neutral creatures for "breedin' and feedin'". Other than that, not much else is notable about this town. Most of the work is done out of homes, or little shops on the corner. The largest, most notable landmark are the fiercely protected pastures, in which a man could find himself hung for trespassing on. The lands around Brimson are wild and untamed. They find themselves host to a number of creatures from those pack oriented animals hunting through the rocky hills, to reptiles slithering their way across the dust, dirt, and sand. The lands around Brimson should only be traversed by experience hunters and scavengers, there's no place for new blood, who will likely find themselves killed by a plant before an animal gets them. Inside Brimson the place feels like an old world suburbia. The houses are restored ruins, and with paint made from animal... bits, it almost feels homely. Almost, except for the rabid wildlife running amok through the streets. The old world roads here are not that bad, and the holes have been patched with packed dirt and tar made from... animal bits. Most of those living in Brimson are rough and tough, animal wranglin' cowboys, who enjoy sour ale, sour women, and a good old fashion mob from time to time. Most are taught from an early age how to hogtie, skin, and properly eat the animals around. The women don't take nothin' from no one, and are likely to punch you in the face for being cross with them. Though once outside the hard, thorny shell of the residents, underneath they are quite mirthful and happily content with life. This feat is usually done through a few mugs of that before mention beer. Though there are some sweeter gals, they usually find themselves on the wrong end of the stick. There ain't no place for those soft of heart here, where a men and women wrestled in the streets, are thrown out a window, and are lynched by mobs. Brimson is one of the very few towns without any real problems; let me explain. The dangerous critters of the world their children hunt for sport. Their women use watered down poison as a spice. The men hogtie large, dangerous carnivores for fun. And death is just another chapter in life, as long as you didn't die a coward, you died well, and most will not shed a tear when they pay their respects. Instead they are more likely to party in your name after the funeral... should there be something let to bury. Bandits give Brimson a very wide berth. The last troublemaker to roll into town, tried robbing a family, was subdued by a gentleman, and executed by his son. His seven year old son.[/hider] [hider=Copper] [h2][center][color=mediumorchid]Copper[/color][/center][/h2] [color=lime]Faction[/color]: Neutral (Protected territory under Aqueous) [color=lime]Classification[/color]: Town [color=lime]Population [/color]: 2,200 est. [color=lime]Production[/color]: Mining [color=lime]Notable Areas[/color]: The Maw [color=lime]Description[/color]: Copper is the most unfortunate place one could find themselves. The man production, and only production here, is mining: Minerals, Ores, and whatever else these unfortunate people dig up. None of this is done willingly however, as Copper, while a neutral territory, serves as a prison. A coalition exists between Motum Diversum and Aqueous, each contributing to the prison security force. Though technically in Aqueous territory, Copper is shared by both factions for harboring their criminals. Far more come from Motum Diversum, as Aqueous' cultural methods do not invoke a lot of criminal activity. The immediate vicinity of Copper is flat, and barren terrain. Clear cutting operations are performed around the compound for at least a rough mile, making an attack very unlikely to happen, or even succeed. Beyond the killing zone, the clear cut area, the terrain slopes downward from the mountain side, looking like any other mixed desert. Few rocks, but lots of shrubbery and cactus. Copper is surrounded by high walls, 12 feet approximately, make of welded together scrap. Much of the wall is made up of abandoned vehicles, with the gaps sealed with bits of scrap metal. A catwalk, only accessible from the guard towers, spans the entire half moon wall, each edge ending against the natural wall of a long cliff. The town itself, other than the fenced off guardsmen quarters and warden office, and the respective mess hall and other facilities, exists within the tunnels, lovingly nicknamed "The Maw". The Tunnels are where the prisoners live. It takes the clearance of three, heavily guarded, and heavily fortified checkpoints. The first, warrants against outside attack, the second is for processing and clearance, and the third is basically a metal wall with a door, with two narrow slits for heavy machine guns, and additional slits for personnel. No prisoner is to even enter the floodlights that light the large tunnel before the internal barricade, unless summoned. An Exception is made for the day of quota, every seventh day, where two prisoners are allowed to push full minecarts through the door, which the track passes through all the way outside to a loading area. Each prisoner has a full division of guards on them at all times, usually no less than six. Within The Maw there is a large tunnel that leads straight through to Ironhold's Death pits. Provided one could make it there, and even if the prisoner's could bore through the massive, round metal seal that has been in place long since before The Fall, there are much easier ways to seek certain death. This task is near impossible as the only contraband allowed through are pickaxes, which have been proven to not even mar the metallic surface. Living within The Maw is another thing all together, some say it's the closest to hell you could ever get living. There is no social structure, no order, and no purpose other than to fill the quota. The gangs within are highly unpredictable, but are most certainly violent. The guards do not intervene as long as the quota is met, and nobody approaches the barricade, which is the easiest way to seek death. Upon arrival no map is provided, you wear only the clothes on your back, and present with a pickax. Each prisoner has a separate quota, their own cart with their name bolted to the front on a heavy metal plate, and are expected to have it filled by the end of the week. The only real problem of Copper, is living there. The guard life is pretty easy, eat, sleep, exercise, run drills, guard. There are enough guards there that are even permitted days off. Because of the clear cut, nothing approaches the thick walls other than caravans, guards, and prisoners.[/hider] [hider=Dead-End] [h2][center][color=mediumorchid]Dead-End[/color][/center][/h2] [color=lime]Faction[/color]: Neutral [color=lime]Classification[/color]: Small Town [color=lime]Population [/color]: 220 est. [color=lime]Production[/color]: Trade, Glass [color=lime]Notable Areas[/color]: The Smelter [color=lime]Description[/color]: Dead-End is one of the loneliest little towns on Dust. The name literally means that it's a dead end, there's no point of even going to the town unless you're a caravanier. There exists one tiny, dusty little tavern which is also a trade office, the post master, the trade master, and the general store, and the barbershop all of which are run out of the tram station. It's no wonder why the man who owns the Inn is the town's unofficial mayor. The town only stays alive by baking sand into glass in a big smelting complex, restored to functionality. It's comprised of three buildings, the warehouse for glass, the ovens for baking glass, and the crawler shed. There exists no storage for sand because one could walk outside and begin digging. The crawler shed is home to two large, old world construction vehicles that once went by the name of bulldozer, a large bucket wagon is attached to the back to be filled with sand. The filling process is done by shovel. Dead-End's terrain consists of.. sand. Sand everywhere. Sand in your eyes, sand in the streets, sand in the homes, sand in the soup!! With no walls to keep the sandstorms out, the entire town runs the risk of being buried, like a snow day, but with sand. Fortunately their production deals with sand, and any excess piles are just bulldozes to the smelters. The road into town is less of a road, and more of a flat line weaving between large sand dunes. The area within Dead-End is still sand. There just happen to be dome-like buildings haphazardly constructed in the sand. These buildings are one to two-story domes, with a hatch on the top and a ladder leading down the outside. The Smelter however, does not share this dome shaped construction, and great pains are taken to ensure the great double doors can open for the crawlers. If one did not know what to look for, the could miss the partially buried town all together. Fortunately, the floors of the homes are mostly smooth stone, with the inevitable thin layer of sand. Built on top of ruins of old structures, the metal domes are able to receive power. Also quite fortunate, is the tunnel that has it's very own dome over the entrance, is lit, is relatively safe, and leads all the way to the Parkland junction. It's by this tunnel that Dead-End moves its glass, using hazardously made trams upon a powered rail. The people of sand.. I mean Dead-end, are quiet and reserved. They don't get a lot of visitors, and don't really have an inn to speak of. In fact, most of them are quite easily startled. They're not violent, they don't commit crime, and they go about their tasks with reserved candor. Most however, are eager to grill that rare visitor for news of the outside world. The problems of Dead-End are relatively small ones. Mostly the birds of prey, sizable enough to carry off a child, don't bother Dead-End much. The dune reptiles typically hunt each other, and only rarely bother the people of Dead-End. The only real problem about Dead-End are the sandstorms, which are just as likely to suffocate you as to tear the cloth from your body, and the flesh from your bones.[/hider] [hider=Dresden] [h2][center][color=forestgreen]Dresden[/color][/center][/h2] [color=lime]Faction[/color]: The Gaens [color=lime]Classification[/color]: Town [color=lime]Population [/color]: 3,200 est. [color=lime]Production[/color]: Weaponized Sciences and production, Defensive Sciences and production, Automotive Sciences and production. [color=lime]Notable Areas[/color]: The Automotive Plant, The Highway [color=lime]Description[/color]: Looking for a death ray? Dresden is your place. This scientific community is a mix of science and family life, and the arts of war. Here is where all your fancy laser guns, plasma rifles, disintegration rays, and other non-ballistic tools of destruction are researched and likely created. Though not the only place to manufacture these types of weapons, is is a main export, and the schematics for them come from here. Additionally the same goes for defensive tactics, armors, self-maintaining automatic turrets, and sonic repulsors. The Dresdenites also are responsible for the main export of vehicles, which are typically armed and armored, and come from the large, restored automotive assembly plant. Which functioning assembly lines and all! Though with all good things of science, the research starts broad and narrows down to the focus of Dresden's main exports, like laser optics and engine mechanics. Dresden is a relatively flat, coastal town, despite being miles from the coast. There exist few hills, most being along the mountain's edge, and lost of plant life. As with all areas of dense plant life, comes wildlife. More notable though, is the highway which is the best looking piece of road around. The Dresden scientists used a combination of excess automotive fluids, sludge, and some chemical waste to repave the road. Unfortunately years later the road workers all died from some chemical reason or whatever. That's not important. The important part is that the road is smooth, and whole, all the way from the northern tunnel junction, and about halfway to Fairbury. One could cruise in peace, without bumps or potholes, enjoying the crisp ocean breeze, as it toasts the flesh on your face. Dresden is another one of those classic wasteland suburbia towns. The squat square homes, with their desert lawns, and straight avenues create kind of a homely feel. Although the town is much larger than appeared, as the nice restored areas gives way to the dirtier, slum-like areas, and then to the unrestored ruins. Effectively creating a buffer of poor workers between themselves and those ugly ruins. Really though, the status of one's living conditions really depend on the amount of effort put into it. The slums are technically more a camp of the unfortunate, a cancer on the town of Dresden. The unwanted and the undesirables living there, separated from the higher class. Unfortunately the road workers died before they could repair the actual roads in the towns. Oddly enough nobody is willing exposure to deadly chemicals to fix them either. The Dresdenites are a varied, and mixed people. They do not discriminate, unless you're poor, or you have funny eyes and can make people explode with a flick of your wrist. The important workers and scientists, and the poverty stricken hold great disdain for each other. Yet a man is as likely to befriend you, a random stranger, as threaten your life and rob you. Crime exists mostly in the slums, due to people moving there seeking opportunity. Most of them finding out that they are not smart enough to join the science teams, and the menial automotive assembly work has been completely filled, with the worker's children getting the job, optionally, in an heir like manner after the parent retires. As stated previously, Dresden is host to slums, rife with poverty and crime. Though higher end areas housing scientists, automotive workers, and the actual residence of Dresden are well guarded from the slums. With patrols night round on the streets and important facilities, outsourced from Motum Diversum of course, not even wildlife really bother the more important residents. Slaver parties do happen by occasionally, but they steer clear of the well armed and protected neighborhood and target the slums instead. With no real security force of their own, the slums are left to their own devices as long as they don't bother the upper class.[/hider] [hider=Eternity] [h1][center][color=oldlace]Eternity[/color][/center][/h1] [color=lime]Faction[/color]: The Edenites [color=lime]Classification[/color]: Metropolis [color=lime]Population [/color]: Unknown [color=lime]Production[/color]: Unknown [color=lime]Notable Areas[/color]: The Obelisks. [color=lime]Description[/color]: Eternity, perhaps aptly named, is a mysterious place with very little actually known about it. It is rumored that a single man stood upon the precipice of the great mountain and observed the city through a telescope. It is a monolithic structure, a mass of buildings colored to the light browns and yellows of dust itself. A massive, sandstone wall encompasses the entirety of the city, with enough watchtowers dotting its perimeter that it looks appears as a crown from a distance. The metropolis does not trade with anybody, no exports or imports crossing its borders. Nothing crosses its borders, nobody comes in and nobody comes out. Those foolish enough to try never return, and their fate remains unknown to those wise enough to stay on their own corner of dust. A forsaken army once tried to add the lands of The Edenites to their empire. The entire army never returned. The city has grown so large that it encompasses three others, the names of which have long since been lost to us. Beyond the colossal walls the expanse is nothing but flat, sandy desert, with winds that blow violently enough to rend the flesh from one's body. There is nothing but the white hot expanse of sand, cooked underneath the sun to a point of burning flesh upon prolonged contact, and no shelters exists between the borders and the city. There are however, at random intervals, with no real pattern placement, large, white obelisks penetrating through the fields of sand. Their purpose is unknown. There is nothing known about the happenings inside the immense walls of Eternity. Other than the metropolis seems colored to the hues of earth and sant, suggesting that the entire settlement is made from sandstone. There is also nothing known about the people of Eternity, or the Edenites altogether, other than they dress in white, hooded robes, and can be seen wandering close to the edges of their borders from time to time. The do not appear armed, but will fire upon anybody who crosses the threshold. There are no existing documents relaying any sort of information regarding any events that could be considered problematic for Eternity. Their entire existence is a peculiar secret. [/hider] [hider=Eton] [h2][center][color=black][b]Eton[/b][/color][/center][/h2] [color=lime]Faction[/color]: The Forsaken [color=lime]Classification[/color]: Town [color=lime]Population [/color]: 7,700 Est. [color=lime]Production[/color]: Mining, Metal Working, Gunsmithing, Stone Cutting, Explosives Manufacturing. [color=lime]Notable Areas[/color]: The "Boom Factory" [color=lime]Description[/color]: Eton is a town formed by a collection of growing huts and pitfires around a large complex known as the "Boom Factory", the center of the tribalistic town. A enormous complex of patched metal structures, broken windows barricaded with wood, scrap, and hide, and a labyrinth of walkways and rooms. Due to the more primitive nature of The Forsaken, it's not technically considered restored. More, converted. Decorated with skulls, cured hides, pointed wood barricades, and other tribal, raider like aesthetics. It produces minerals and metals for its empire, selling the prettier gems across their borders for profit, as they prefer more things along the lines of bone tooth necklaces and garish tattoos. There exist no walls, and no real standing guard, but who would be stupid enough to invade a people who dance in fire for fun? The area beyond the large tribal fires and makeshift huts is a sloped expanse of desert filled full of cactus and other spiny plants, which are used in permanently marking their flesh with ink. The town is located on a flat, rocky outcrop that resumes its slope upwards toward Quinton, and downwards, ending just before Locke. It's grade is not steep enough to actually be considered part of the great mountain, but the result of living in this area have resulted in powerfully built bodies. As stated previously, inside the area of Eton there are no walls, which only reflects the bare bones social structure they maintain. A rough system of honor and duty, and strong feelings of amusement towards public displays of death and maiming. The mines are worked by those actually deemed strong enough and worthy enough, as if it were a privilege to break one's back all day long hauling the treasures of the mountain. Within the great complex of the "Boom Factory" a small tram station exists, powered by a treaty with Motum Diversum. It isn't very large, and no powered train runs through it. Any vehicles that run the track are hand powered, except for the occasional gasoline fueled buggies. The people here are wild and erratic. They respect only those who they can't best, which also serves as their system of rank. Displays of blood in gore in the street, often the results of a challenge, are of no bother to man, woman, or child. It wouldn't be uncommon to find the loser being molested by the victor, of which gender is no concern. In fact, a child born of someone's better is considered an honor, as that child will likely grow up to be strong and worthy of life. These acts of sexual depravity are not met with screaming and tears, as softer folk often exhibit, but rather haughty challenge full of taunts and insults, as if it were just another challenge for the molester to win. Here they do not discriminate against one's choosing of a life partner, or "Chikan", meaning soulmate. Slaves are also not uncommon, and usually result in the loser of a challenge begging for their life. Begging is something the savages of Eton view as a forfeit of one's life, an act more despicable than taking one's own life. Even animals are afraid to venture here, probably turned away by the smells of their cooking brethren, or the people dressed in the hide akin to the animal's own. Humans on the other hand, would be just plain foolish to attack this settlement. They are as likely to be cast into the society forcefully, at the lowest social rung, as to be raped and set loose, or just plain killed.[/hider] [hider=Fairbury] [h1][center][color=lightgreen]Fairbury[/color][/center][/h1] [color=lime]Faction[/color]: The Gaens [color=lime]Classification[/color]: City [color=lime]Population [/color]: 10,100 Est. [color=lime]Production[/color]: Marine Science and Biology, Hydroponics, Medicinal Research, Textiles, History, Robotics. [color=lime]Notable Areas[/color]: The Textile Mill, The Hydro Farms, Atlantis [color=lime]Description[/color]: Fairbury is a large city, perhaps the only Gaen city made mostly from scrap, albeit constructed to look as nice as possible. Not many A.R.K resources were donated to the steadily growing settlement, much to the city's dismay. However they made do. They mostly specialize in ocean science, but it is a dangerous job. Fairbury is also the leading city in medicinal research, over production. Atlantis does not refer to the lost city of old, found in many existing books of mythology. It's a pet name given to a sunken mall, connected through the flooded tram tunnel. One must begin their dive in the middle of the tunnel to reach the underwater complex. It takes roughly two hours of swimming, with the help of webbed flippers designed after a species of aquatic animal. The Mall itself however is dry, free from water. Years of patching, and the installation of an airlock allowing them to slowly jettison out the gathered water, have recently opened up the city to the minds of science. Because of the nature of the once underwater mall, much of pre-Earth's history and technology has been preserved, and it responsible for many of the restorations today. It's been converted into a massive facility of research and science, and with the needed for constant repairs, mechanics willing to work inside and out are paid very handsomely. At each level of the mall there exists and emergency airlock room, with oxygen fed tubes that run through the tram tunnel, incase of emergency. The mall consists of thirteen levels, and many rooms left to be explore. The Hydro Farms are the second area of greenery existing on Dust. A canal of water reaching inland, converted into a botanical garden and farm through the use of water canals and a flood control gate. It is unknown why this area persistently remains green, but through careful nurturing it is able to quickly grow mass amounts of floral goods. The textile mill is as exactly as it sounds, a large plant for cloth and woven fabric goods. This makes fairbury the largest supplier of modesty fine clothing, ranging in all styles. The area around Fairbury differs depending on one's orientation. Located on the edge of a mixed desert of cacti and shrubbery, the immediate southern vicinity is an expanse of flat salt plains. An old weathered road leads into the city, the worn asphalt almost completely overtaken by the harsh conditions of the desert. Within Fairbury the streets are relatively nice, made of carefully packed soil and religiously kept smooth by mechanized plowing machines. The houses may be of scrap, but the city perhaps most closely resembles one of the old world. A layer of ruins exists around the city, which is been designated as a Gaen wonder of the world. Green overgrowth of vines and trees have taken back this outer layer, grass growing rampantly through the unused streets. It's both beautiful, and dangerous. Within the middle of the ruins, approximately twelve blocks of hazardous foliage of green hues, and budding flowers every color of the light spectrum, exists Fairbury itself. Once one has crossed through the danger of such a wild and untamed ruin of collapsed structures and winding maze like paths, safety awaits. Fairbury is protected behind solid metal walls, patrolled by hired guard that fend off the wildlife with high powered weaponry, who maintain their best not to damage the ruins too badly. The tram entrance exists peacefully in the very middle of the city, guarded only by scientific minds concerned for the safety of others. The people here are as varied as anywhere else. The general theme however is zealous protection of the beautiful ruins, covered in the green overgrowth of the old world (even if the occasional plants does have a flesh hungry maw, and despite the droves of wild animals present). They also harbor a fervent need to protect their own, and Atlantis. Otherwise they are quite polite and happy, with the occasional scrooge or scoundrel in their midst. When not in their white coats embodying the endeavors of the mind, they were fine clothing made in their very own textile mill. Generally, they exhibit the same fashion and characteristics of an older area of polkadot dresses, and gender specific duties, with a twist of modernization as woman work just like the men do. One does not simply tell themselves "I'm going to Fairbury." Passage through the ruins is incredibly dangerous, and most enter and exit with a heavily armed escort, which offer their services for a modest price. Many of these escorts are available for hire. The area is rife with wildlife at every turn, most of it hostile. Even the plants seem predatory, many are full of toxins, sentient like appendages, and, or, maws full of teeth ready to consume anything that falls prey to it. Though the residents are very safe behind their walls and their mounted guns, travelers must exhibit the highest form of caution when traveling to and from. It's for this reason that caravans often brave the ruined city, as merchandise sells for hefty profits. [/hider] [hider=Forbes] [h2][center][color=black]Forbes[/color][/center][/h2] [color=lime]Faction[/color]: Forsaken [color=lime]Classification[/color]: Large City [color=lime]Population [/color]: 127,000 est. [color=lime]Production[/color]: Military, Automotive Manufacturing, Munitions Manufacturing, Metal Working, Gunsmithing, Livestock, Slavery, Alcohol, Tobacco, Dyes, Textiles. [color=lime]Notable Areas[/color]: The Arena, The Throne, The Wall, The Market. [color=lime]Description[/color]: Forbes is the very center of all Forsaken activity. Ironhold is the fortress from where the Forsaken King rules, but Forbes is the trade hub. This city stands against the testament of time, as it is another relic of the old world. This once pristine city, now lies in a ruined state of decay and despair. Most reconstructive building work is done with patches of scrap or animal hide. Instead of flowery adornments, the typical fashion statements are bones, necklaces, and various pieces of animal. Many of the larger old world buildings have crumbled or toppled over. The asphalt street and sidewalks are shifted in places, prone to wide trenches and dramatic height differences. A large, thick wall composed of rusted vehicles cleared from the streets, and bolstered with scrap and rubble keep the sand out of the city. Outside the walls the tops of ruins poke through the sandy dunes. Forbes has over a hundred thousand people living within, though the city is quite large and most areas are not crowded. One of the main features of Forbes is their official arena. An immense circular structure able to hold approximately 60,000 people according to old world standards. Though for large combative events, the residents of Forbes seem to find a way to squeeze inside. Once a playing ground for baseball teams, the field has been converted into a sandy pit of blood and sweat. Participants go through the locker rooms, converted to holding cells for slave fights, through the dugouts, which now house an array of weaponry, and then out into the killing grounds. The walls separating the spectators from the participants have been reinforced. On occasion a creature, or even a hollow, is brought in for sport. The Throne is an old civic building, presumably the old world mayor's office. Much of it has collapsed, leaving only two rooms. The main entryway, which is a large hallway with a throne of steel and bone residing at the far end, and a large room behind that for the Forsaken King's rest and pleasure. The Throne is positioned right in between two staircases, half collapsed. To either side of the throne room are doors, blocked by rubble and sealed with scrap. Large marble columns line the walk up to the throne, none of which are wholly intact. The Market is the one place in the city that is always crowded. Once an enormous old world mall, much of it has been cleared out and bolstered for trading purposes. Still, stalls and merchants hawking their wares can be found all around the exterior, especially concentrated in the main parking lots. It's here where everything can be found, and bought. Mother's sell their own children if the price is good enough, and vice versa. The area beyond the walls is an endless expanse of sand dunes. Though, as the wind blows and shifts the sands, it's very common to see old world ruins poking through the sand. The wall protects the inhabited parts of the city, keeping out the massive sand drifts. However, Forbes is frequent to sandstorms, so sand is a common thing inside the city itself, like many other places of Dust. Fortunately refuge is readily available within the mass of ruined buildings. The area within Forbes, as previously mentioned, is ruined stone and concrete patch with skin, scrap, and other salvage. Despite the readily available space, much of the empty buildings are collapsed or undesirable, as the common mutated pest can often be found within these dwellings. The streets aren't bad, composed of dried, cracked asphalt. Though the terrain can be rough and difficult to navigate, as entire sections exist on different height levels and trenches from small to wide run throughout the city. The people here come from all walks of Forsaken life, though they all share the same bloodthirsty callousness. Most of them aren't considered nice, or even pleasant, but they still maintain a tribalistic code of honor. When not brawling, or killing, in the streets, official disputes are settled in the arena, though typically there's not much in the way of victorious spoils. Forbes is the only Forsaken City known to somewhat tolerate travellers from other factions, needed to stimulate Forsaken economy. One could consider living a Forsaken life a problem in itself, but in the people's eyes, there are no problems. Only challenges. [/hider] [hider=Jonestown] [h2][center][color=mediumorchid]Jonestown[/color][/center][/h2] [right][color=00aeef]Special Thanks to [@OneEyedChurro] for writing this piece.[/color][/right] [color=lime]Faction:[/color] Neutral [color=lime]Classification:[/color] Town [color=lime]Population:[/color] ~3,100 [color=lime]Production:[/color] Ideological/Single-Issue [color=lime]Notable Areas:[/color] Crewcastle, Jones Dynamics [color=lime]Description:[/color] Jonestown exists almost entirely as a testament to social experimentation and the effectiveness thereof- under a doctrine of the citizens' own making, called the 'Flux Laws', does the town operate as its own entity. Evidence of the Flux Laws is easy to see, as Jonestown exists almost eternally in a state of flux and changing, from the "government" that runs it to the complexes and labs that exercise production, little about the town of Jonestown will stay the same month-to-month. At the beginning of each month, the permanent residents of Jonestown meet in what is called the Crewcastle, a building that looks to be the remnants of (or simply modeled after) an old-world courthouse, and it is there that they vote on several things. First and foremost, they are given opportunity to vote on a problem that plagues the city; this ranges from things like "not enough food" or "buildings in disrepair" to things like "bandits nearby" or "Immortal in town". If a problem receives enough votes, it is declared Jonestown's Precedent. The citizens then vote on whether or not a leader (or group of leaders) is needed to handle the problem. What this all amounts to is an environment where one leader will often only be in office for as long as his Precedent exists, as experts in various areas (i.e. A woodcutter when the Precedent is "need wood" or a farmer when the Precedent is "need food") are only elected when knowledge in their expertise is required. Jones Dynamics, a rather large multilevel complex full of differently sized rooms, walkways, balconies, and tunnels, is where people take the appropriate action following the monthly meet at the Crewcastle. Jones Dynamics is also in a state of flux from month-to-month; it may be a place to store the wood and food or it may be a place where architectural or defense research is done. Jonestown is not a place that has a set goal or production, and its denizens are self-proclaimed "masters of none". The neutral months are what trouble most citizens, however, and those are the months where no problem is set as Precedent and thus the city has no leader nor purpose. It is during these times that the town guard sees its numbers raise exponentially to serve as both a police and guardian role. The area around Jonestown is a mixed desert, a pleasure given by its relative proximity to the coast. Is is relatively flat and shrubs and dead trees can be found dotting the landscape, though to the north and west there exists some hills and slopes, separating them from the nearby Ashford. There is some wildlife around, though they aren't much of a threat and normally pass the town by on their way towards water. The buildings of Jonestown are simple, but carry an almost old-world charm to them. The town is surrounded by a low mud-brick wall, and the same material has been used to make several of the buildings. Many still tend to be an amalgamation of wood, metal, and mud, however. Several communities can be seen built around each other, separated almost into quarters with the main roads as their dividers, with the grand Crewcastle on the eastern-most end of town with Jones Dynamics next door. Around this "inner" section, and often times pouring over the low wall, is the "slum" section, with much smaller and squat huts meant to house merely a person or two. The citizens of Jonestown are fairly scholarly and theoretical, often liking to hold conversations about their government and its success, as well as about problems they think should be set to Precedent. This means they often come across as self-absorbed, and those thoughts aren't entirely misplaced. The people of Jonestown have gotten used to the luxury of openly voicing their opinions on things, whether you want to hear it or not. The other type of citizen is one who lives there simply to give themselves purpose- they won't voice their opinions very much, but will happily work towards the Precedent or even guard the town with their lives as long as they are allowed to continue to live there. The first and foremost problem troubling the noisy people of Jonestown are the bandits and raiders that often like to take advantage of their Precedent state and attack when most of the populace is working towards something other than defense. Public unrest is also often a problem, as well, as sometimes the population can't agree on a Precedent which leads to neutral months, which no one seems to be particularly fond of, even though it offers better protection. It would be difficult to actually [i]take over[/i] Jonestown, however, as massive power changes tend to really piss everyone off into rebellion. [/hider] [hider=Sel][h2][center][color=steelblue]Sel[/color][/center][/h2] [right][color=00aeef]Special Thanks to [@Darcs] for writing this piece.[/color][/right] [color=lime]Faction[/color]: Aqueous [color=lime]Classification[/color]: Small town [color=lime]Population [/color]: 125 Est. [color=lime]Production[/color]: Paper, Ink, Art, Culture, Modern Religious scrolls, Geisha training, Southern Shengriantist Monks [color=lime]Notable Areas[/color]: The Maiko quarters, The Temples, Southern Shengriantist Shrines, Sayuri's Grove, Khan's Yurt Shanty Town [color=lime]Description[/color]: If Tas is a testament to the vices of Old World Sino-pacific culture, then Sel serves as it's literal opposite. Less a town and more a gigantic temple dedicated to the cause of preserving the virtues, traditions, practices and culture of the Old World and Dust. Sel also creates art, religious texts and trains those accepted in the ways of the Geisha both Old World and new and serves as a gathering place for Southern Shengriantist Monks. At one point, Sel was an Old World amusement park, miraculously preserved by the Fall, it's transformation into the plastic sacred ground that it is today was done by the first early Shengriantist monks and volunteer help from the Khans. In a 200 year event known now as "The Divine Transformation," the grounds were re-purposed into several traditional temples, shrines, statues dedicated to the gods, meditation grounds, and training groves. The area outside of Sel is generally flat desert dotted with shrubbery and mutated flowers. The closer to Sel one gets, the more flowers one can see-- an attempt to regain the beauty of the land by monks, now forgotten. Technically not part of Sel, would be the extensive community of tents one would have to approach before getting into Sel proper, these are the yurts owned by the Khans of sand-- a nomadic group of men and women dedicated to the days of the Mongolian Empire. The have a spiritual agreement with the Monks of Sel and have a constant garrison of protection surrounding the city. Further away from Sel, are the packs of hollow and corrupted Immortals-- which seem to be increasing by the day. The interior of Sel is the impressive result of 200 years of religious dedication. What was once a mouse themed amusement part, now holds stone shrines and wooden temples and lodgings all in accordance with Heian era Japan. Artisans and Geisha have reworked, over long periods, the 'rides' that once gave praise to capitalism, into testaments to humanity's praise to the Deva, the only true and just Gods. The men are either Southern Shengriantist monks, religious pilgrims, or artisans who seek sanctuary from the harshness of Dust in the protected borders of Sel, the women fall similarly, either being Priestesses, pilgrims, Geisha, Maiko (Prospective Geisha/In training), or artisans. Generally, Sel citizens are a kind and peaceful, if slightly isolated and naive about Dust and the ways of the world. [/hider] [hider=Tas] [h2][center][color=steelblue]Tas[/color][/center][/h2] [right][color=00aeef]Special Thanks to [@Darcs] for writing this piece.[/color][/right] [color=lime]Faction[/color]: Aqueous [color=lime]Classification[/color]: City [color=lime]Population [/color]: 190,500 Est. [color=lime]Production[/color]: Bootlegging (alcohol and water), Live entertainment, Gambling, Whores [color=lime]Notable Areas[/color]: The Kowloon Walled Skyscrapers, The Blue Light District, "The Still", River Dragon Arena, 50 Dragons Memorial, Khan's Yurt Shanty Town, Surrounding Corrupted Villages [color=lime]Description[/color]: Ah Tas. A glorious testament to the resolve of the seedier elements of the Old World Sino-Pacific culture. Although culturally Aqueon since the town's founding, almost days after the first Aqueous bunkers were creaked open, Tas was an independent territory for much of the first two centuries following the Fall. Their incorporation into Aqueous proper was (and still is) a highly discussed and debated topic-- Tas, despite being seen as 'dishonorable' by the Central and Northern Aqueous regions and having an Asura following that isolated Shengriantist Deva devotees and traditionalists alike. They were an undeniable financial asset to Aqueous-- built off of stolen and bootlegged water and alcohol, sure, but still, one that the Aqueous purists couldn't deny. Following it's inclusion in Aqueous, Tas has been something of a black sheep among Aqueon cities. Although they fly the Aqueon flag. The city is a den of those willing to dedicate their lives to Old World vice, unofficially run by the River Dragon Triad. They're a territory fiercely devoted to their independence. Tas, via the River Dragons, is allied with the United Triads of Aqueous, as well as the Khans of the Sand Seas, and the traders of The School. The city has a large following of secessionists, who believe south Aqueous should separate from the greedy Central region and the silent Northern region. The area around Tas is controlled exclusively by the Khans of the Sand Sea. Holding an agreement with the River Dragon Triad. The Khans, a loosely united force, easily identified by their creole Mongolian tongue, patchwork armor, wild hair, and yurts, patrol the areas of Southern, Western and Northern Aqueous, known collectively by locals as 'the Great Sand Sea' the area closest to Tas, the Southern Sand Sea, is known for it's traveling merchants, famous Aqueon wandering Geisha and Shengriantist monks (often protected by their own devoted caravans of Khans), as well as occasional shanty towns of exiled corrupted Immortal/Hollow fusions as well as the more dangerous wandering bands of low level hollow. Tas, both walled and insulated by a well populated yurt wall from visiting khans, only has to worry about its infamous water shortages and dry desert winds. The River Dragons hold over 50,000 dedicated members among their ranks, but refuse to expand beyond the borders of Tas due to their honor and agreements with the other Triads and clusters of Khans. Of the city's population, 43,000 citizens reside in the 'The Kowloon Walled Skyscrapers,' an incredibly densely populated super slum, composed of 4 Skyscrapers connected by wall and layers of shanty town and ticky-tacky, modeled after the old world [url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kowloon_Walled_City]Kowloon Walled City[/url]. Within the dragons are sights both astounding and horrifying-- as well as the pulled that claims to keep souls in an otherwise easily escapable atmosphere of fear and pain-- The Blue District-- The best whores, music, drugs, and soul in all of Dust proudly purporting the superiority of Tas' ethnic Chinese heritage over Central Aqueous' Japanese ancestry. Those who live in the Walled Skyscrapers, tend to be heavily involved with the Dragons, or simply [i]in[/i] the Dragons, and as such, the area is one where Aqueous rule is worth about as much as spit in a bucket. Anarchy reigns and violence is much more frequently employed to solve problems and visitors and residents alike often need to display more care to protect their lives than merely their wallets. They are an incredibly unique and intelligent people, though-- citizens are intellectual, and value ingenuity and creative thinking-- carpenters, pick pockets and fast talkers often share the same traits in Kowloon, Tas. Traits that improve the city within a city, and keep you alive, are reflected and amplified in these criminally minded citizens from birth. They are all also incredibly independent-- members of the Triad won't hesitate to remind you that the River Dragons are the result of 80+ years of deals, wars and conquests of 50 unique triads and gangs, each of which still influence the identity of the Dragons and Walled Skyscrapers. All within about a block of each other, are the bits of land Tas and Kowloon find themselves less known for, but still manage to attract pilgrims nonetheless. The 50 Dragons Memorial and the River Dragon Arena are closely related areas of Kowloon-- the Memorial is an exquisite scavenged tin sculpture featuring busts of each Triad, Gang, and Tribe leader that led to the creation of the Dragons-- behind these busts are the emblems and mascots of the gangs, themselves surrounded by an impressively long and intricately sculpted tin river dragon. Inscriptions below the busts detail information of the old gangs, and well as plaques explaining the creation of the Dragons. On the Tin 'River Dragon' are the signatures of every member of the River Dragons-- past and present. This artistic monument, sculpted by Sel's finest, is in front of the River Dragon Arena a Colosseum recreated from an Old World football field. The Arena is the location of most of the city's music festivals, as well as all the city's sports-- most popular by far being the blood duels, sponsored by the River Dragons. To contrast the heavily, Triad involved memorial and arena, the location known as "The Still" is a black hole of secrecy-- a club in one of the darker underground location of Kowloon-- the bar is invite only-- guarded by men with futuristic and impossible weaponry and [i]Old[/i] Old World armor in seemingly perfect condition. These men speak an unknown sign language, and don't appear to share affiliations with any major factions. Outside of Kowloon, one is given a much more 'normal' city. Although each citizen of Outer Tas is still almost completely economically independent on the Dragons that reside in Kowloon, dangers are much less frequent, protection payments are much rarer, and the only dangers come from STDs and gambling debts. Water is bootlegged from Central Aqueous here, and the general citizen is much less criminally active and also less likely to be Chinese-- or even distinctly Aqueon. Outer Tas, compared to the bedlam that is the excessive wealth swirled with the extreme poverty of Kowloon, is much more resemblant of a quiet, almost suburban, middle class area in a city like Serenity. Just with more foreign tongues being spoken.[/hider] [/hider] [hider=Creatures and Anomalies] [hider=Reported Anomalies] [hider=Apparitions] [color=gold]Apparitions:[/color] Often found in dark places or at night, these ghostly sightings are very deadly. Citizens have reported hallucinations, losing consciousness, falling ill, death, and a host of other things when coming into contact with these spirits. It's also been reported that these spirits, while usually standing still or replaying a loop of their past lives, can also move, and make noise. These apparitions should be avoided at all costs, but are incredibly hard to see in the darkness. As of yet, there seems to be no way of displacing, or even attacking these ghostly figures. [/hider][hider=Lightning Anomaly] [color=gold]Lightning Anomaly:[/color] More often found in the tunnel networks, if at all, this is basically a ball of lightning that moves slowly, electrifying anything that comes to closely to it. This anomaly is quite rare, and has never been officially reported to have been seen on the surface. The few times it has been reported are from tunnel sightings.[/hider] [/hider] [hider=Documented Creatures] [hider=Annelids] [hider=Skiev] [center][img]http://img.4plebs.org/boards/tg/image/1401/48/1401484524345.jpg[/img][/center] [b]Name:[/b]Skiev [b]Species:[/b]Hollow Worm [b]Rarity:[/b]Uncommon [b]Behavior:[/b]Aggressive, Nocturnal [b]Location(s):[/b]Exclusive to Sandy Dunes [b]Key Points:[/b][list] [*]grow up to 3 feet in length [*]bloodsuckers [*]attack in swarms [*]afraid of fire [/list] The Skiev is a swarm class worm hollow that have hyper evolved from the old world Macrobdella decora better known as leeches, to survive their now much dryer environment. Primarily located near the south end of the continent by Dead-End, Skievs live far from roads inside the giant dunes that make up the yellow zone. Their habitats extend as far as the less populous areas around Forbes but there have allegedly been sightings as far north as Wolf Water. These highly aggressive critters will swim through the dirt at around 20 mph when they are ready to attack their prey and will circle them in the sand similar while they take turns jumping at their prey attempting to latch on. Once one has successfully grabbed hold the rest will soon follow until they have sucked their victim dry. As terrifying as these creatures are, if you are able to seek shelter even if it's inside a car you should be safe. If this is not an option it is recommended you find a stone to stand on and carry a torch with you and wait until dawn. While something as small as a torch won't dissuade the creatures from attacking, burning one is the safest and quickest way of getting a Skiev to let go once they've attached themselves to you. Skievs tend to swim in schools of 30-50 all though it is hard to get a specific number due to their method of hunting. [/hider][/hider] [hider=Avians] [hider=Styx Owls] Name: Styx Owl Species: Bubo virginianus infernus Rarity: Common Behavior: Hostile if provoked, Predator, Scavenger Location(s): Dust's Mountains Key Points: Almost exclusively nocturnal, territorial during the night, live in cave hollowed into the rock faces of Dust's mountains. Appearance: The most immediately noticeable trait of the Styx owl is its massive talons, long, hard, and sharp enough to pierce steel. The birds are large, slightly larger than an Andean condor, with a wingspan of about four meters and a weight of nearly 20 kilograms. They bear a distant resemblance to the Great Horned Owl, but the feathered "horns" of the pre-apocalypse owl have given way to rigid and wickedly pointed barbs, albeit with feathery fringe. The birds are considerably darker and in fact almost pitch black, hence their name, and have retained the nearly silent flight of the Great Horned. Their eyes are generally a liquid gold color and are striped through with jets of black. Their calls are for the most part like those of the Great Horned, save for their attacking cry let loose when they are but moments from striking their target, which sounds uncannily like someone screaming in rage and despair- another inspiration for their name. [/hider][/hider] [hider=Canines] [hider=Bloodhound] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/Mtao2NA.png[/img][/center] [center][color=00aeef]Created by [@Aeonumbra] and [@TheMadAsshatter][/color][/center] [b]Name:[/b] Bloodhound [b]Species:[/b] Canis Lupus [b]Rarity:[/b] Very Common [b]Behavior:[/b] Hostile, Predator [b]Location(s):[/b] Everywhere [b]Other:[/b][list] [*]Bloodhounds are almost exclusively nocturnal, or found in dark places such as tunnels and caves.[/list] [b]Appearance:[/b] Bloodhounds are characterized by having a body structure akin to a wolf, though there are some key features to take note of. First and most importantly is their fur, which is naturally very spiky, rigid, and harder than typical fur, giving their fur the capability to pierce human skin, though it is a rare occurrence. Their fur tends to be neutral colors; mostly shades of black, grey, or white, though there are some with brown spots on them. They have green, highly reflective eyes, giving them a ghostly visage in dark environments if their eyes catch some light just right. Finally, their ears tend to be shaped like arrowheads on the top of their heads, making one's silhouette appear like a demon. [/hider][/hider] [/hider][/hider]