[@AiyvaGuard] Yeah, you're accepted. [quote=@Medjedovic] Are there any limits for power or bio? Because there is little information in OP are we allowed to create supernatural monsters and organizations for our backstory? Are we all located in the same city? If so, what's its name? Do Chasers keep in touch with each other in some manner? Is there some organization that handles Chaser affairs on the world level? (like Magic Association in Nasuverse, for example) Is Crimson Sky filled just with roaming monsters, or is there some social order there? [/quote] Your answers, in order: - None, for both. You could do the president of the United States as a Chaser of you wanted and I wouldn't care, or do a character like Shiki and still it would be game as long as you don't abuse things. I'm putting a great deal of trust in the players to behave like adults, you see? - That was my point the whole time, give a blanc slate in which they could exert their creativity. There's no way one single person can come up with all that I would need to weave this story. - Yeah, we are, and it's on Japan, being part of Tokyo's metropolitan area, however I felt that must calling it "This City" would be more fun. You now, to feel less grounded in the real world. But there's nothing dating that you couldn't have come from another place in the world, as the Crimson Sky is basically a parallel Earth, so it covers the whole world. - Some do, some don't, they are basically humans anyway, so disagreements between them are far from rare. Though for the purpose of this RP I'll have your characters be contacted and work together, by an NPC in the first IC post. You'll be free to deny, of course, but since the story will involve a big supernatural occurrence (think of Kyoukai no Kanata) the safety of a loner won't be granted. Yes, there is a Chaser organization, I guess that I should have put the Chasers section of the OP after all, the organization is know as the Hunters' Association, BTW. Also, I should add that the Association pays monetary rewards to the Chasers for their kills, add long as they bring the Soul Stones left behind when an Youkai dies. - As I said, there are civilized Youkai, some even work with the Chasers to help deal with the ones they call Strays, the troublesome Youkai that the Chasers generally hunt. - Oh, I nearly forgot, but I'd like to say that you can play as human like Youkai or half-Youkai, too. I would make all of this c least on the OOC, by placing a Glossary post, but guess it's better to left you guys know it now. This easy you can plan your characters better.