This story would basically follow the same premise as that of Sense8, Netflix's new original series created by the same people behind the Matrix Trilogy, and Cloud Atlas. The general premise of the story, without spoiling any of the show is that there are a group of people who are linked together telepathically allowing them to share their senses, emotions, knowledge, skills, language, and history. These people would then have to learn how to cope with their newfound abilities and the fact that they are no longer alone, deal with the things in their own lives, and somehow escape the people who are hunting them because of who they are. Each of the characters, the sensates, live around the world and have their own lives, but when their cluster, the group, is linked together they begin sharing their lives to one another. Within the cluster they can visit each other in the present allowing them to openly communicate, talk, and feel one another's presence to seek guidance, be with someone, and find comfort in the openness that is inherent in their connection. [hider=Sensates]The sensates are basically telepathic, but are only limited to other sensates, they're not the only cluster around. Sensate basically have two powers, visiting and sharing. Visiting is being with someone telepathically to share the same experience presently, but it is not limited to the cluster. Visiting however is something that the person lets you happen, and by "let happen" the sensates must be emotionally open and vulnerable enough that another person can enter world, or they are simultaneously letting each other into their worlds. Visiting is an active process wherein the people visiting each other are openly communicating with each other, and while all sensates can openly visit one another the connection is stronger within a cluster. Sharing is their power that is limited only to those in the cluster. This allows them to sahre the emotions and experiences of those within the cluster. Those in the cluster can actively call upon those in the cluster when they need to embody the power of another to call upon their talents and knowledge. The connection works in all directions. It is a more passive process wherein a sensate can call upon the power of another sensate, or trigger a reaction from another sensate. One thing to take note of this power is that there are many pros and cons, especially when the cluster is young and fresh out of the birthing process, that's the series term not mine. When the connection between sensates is weak and young their sharing and visiting ability is weak, and will most likely only show itself in times of emotional distress. At this stage they have little to control on what they share with those in the cluster no matter how bad or how good what that may be. A key aspect of the connection between the sensates is that their link is based on emotions. Calling upon a sensate to visit is possible when both are willing, but more often than not a visit occurs because of a need to do so, like an instinctual defense mechanism that allows them to protect themselves and one another both physically, emotionally, and mentally. The connection between the sensates are raw and emotional as such there are no lies, only pure emotional honesty. They are constantly aware of one another's feelings when in comes to one another, the situation, and those around them. [hider=Example: From weak to strong cluster connection] 1. A woman is currently dancing and celebrating in a loud club with rave music in Miami, but suddenly she begins hearing a violin playing. Halfway around the world a young man in Paris is watching an street performer with a violin. 2. A man is on a date with his girlfriend in a fancy restaurant in Los Angeles, suddenly he is transported to a boat in the middle of the ocean off the coast of Santorini. The man in Santorini wakes from his nap and begins tasting steak even though he is a vegan. 3. A young woman is shopping in New York city and while shopping she finds worms in her boots and screams. Somewhere in the Amazon rain forest an entomologist finds herself wearing a nice clean outfit. 4. A man is running away from unknown pursuers in the streets of Sao Paulo, trapped between two building on his left and right, and a tall fence in front of him. Filled with anxiety and fear he blindly jumps the fence and lands on the other side with a flip. In Philadelphia a young freerunner suddenly finds himself speaking Portuguese. 5. Feeling intense sadness, loneliness, and doubt a woman in her hotel room in Las Vegas begins conversing with another woman wearing swimwear. A woman in the beaches near Perth begins conversing with a woman dressed in pajamas. The two talk and exchange stories afterwards they find themselves comforted and loved. 6. A man goes rock climbing in the Grand Canyon and wakes up to see a beautiful sunrise enticing tears of joy. Three others join him from Alaska, Russia, and Egypt, the four share a beautiful sunrise together. 7. A woman is in a small rundown hospital in Manila is mourning the loss of her daughter. In Ireland a bartender finds himself uncontrollably sad, tears flowing down his eyes, with a crushing pain in his heart as if he was being stabbed, suddenly he is in the hospital room with her. 8. A man was just in a car accident with his son while driving in the rainy Seattle. He calls upon the abilities of a doctor who helps him bandage his dying son. Using the skills of a taxi driver from Sao Paolo he drives a manually operated car.[/hider] [/hider] This RP would basically be Sense8, but with original characters. Now in all honestly this RP is very rough around the edges as the premise is a little odd, but what i do know is that it's very much character driven. There will be a main plot namely that there is an organization is hunting the group, but that process is slow. For the most part and for the majority of the story each character has his and her own storyline that would be affected by those in the cluster because of little conversations and influences that they have with and on each other with the main plot slowly creeping in on them.