[@SirBeowulf] Normally Elitist Aeon would be like "well you need to expand this" and blah blah. This is by far the most interesting Guardsman Bob Stereotype I have ever seen, on top of that you've changed my desired perspective on the spark condition. Normally attracted through an extreme, deathly situation; I find the ideal that he attracted his spark with the sweet sweet sounds of harmonic. Sparks do have personalities, and I find it plausible that a musically inclined spark, would be inclined to a musical person. He is approved. Though fro critiques sake, the backstory could be expanded on just a bit. The "fuck it" attitude of your character is amusing when incorporated into his sheet, but it's cuteness wears off just a tad with the lackluster details. That being said, you have my approval on Sam, our second "hobo" character. (Permitting that Bobert comes back to join me.) Toss him into the characters tab. [indent]Disclaimer: I reserved the right to alter my decisions at any given point and time, usually in the form of minor edits or concerns with power usage. This is typically a rare event though, so fret not young squire of the wastes.[/indent]