The icicles never reached. Instead they simply evaporated. The air crackled when an unnatural heat wave washed over the room. It was strong enough to make the eyes water and sting. It took the air straight out of the students' lungs and lit it on fire... and it made the demons scream. Words became impossible as the heat pressed against their bodies, slowly eating away the ice that served as cells for their bodies like acid. Fenrir ran in just in time to see the skin peel away to reveal the ice underneath, and then that slowly liquefy. The heat in the room was almost unbearable and his knees gave way, a sudden dizziness hitting him like a hammer to the head. His heart beat faster, threateningly so, but the demons seemed to take it even harder. They'd tried to speak at first, but now screams were all that remained. The man had to wonder why they didn't retreat until his eyes found the answer. Their feet and hands were gone, an odd gooey blood pooling around the stumps that should have looked smooth and scorched. The vibrating air made it hard to see but it was quite obvious that instead they looked ragged and uneven, as if their limbs had been ripped away. It was rather gross but the man couldn't stop staring and as he watched the demons crumble in a heap of pain, a twisted smile spread his lips. His enjoyment didn't last long. Unfortunately for him, once it had started, the process was quick to end. The demons literally liquefied in a puddle of odd silvery substance that he could smell even from here. The putrid stench wasn't as bad as that of rotting human corpses but it was unpleasant nonetheless. Fenrir's vision was fading, the heat seeping the life out of him at a rapid pace – it must have been over 60º fucking Celsius already. And just as it hit, the heat wave was gone. The shock to his system paralysed his body and mind for a few seconds before it registered anything else. When it finally caught up, what he saw was Hazumi. Her hand was raised and the three liquid puddles were floating in mid-air in front of her. “Now, we wouldn't want to waste that, would we?” She was saying with a casual smile. Her body was now covered in an [url=$_57.JPG]armour[/url] but one that was leather and looked more for show than anything. Her half-spread wings and theatrical entry didn't convince him otherwise. The woman rose her hand further and what were moments ago living creatures splashed over the ceiling, a few drops raining back down. The rest remained there, three huge stinking stains. Hazumi crossed her arms and looked pleased with herself. “That should keep them away, don't you think?” She smiled at the children, her huge black wings retreating behind her back somewhat. “Now come, I'm instructed to have a musical lesson with you guys and I'd rather get it over with as soon as possible than wait for your little game to end.”