[centre] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/82/69/c8/8269c8cd5427736e3e72e8a8155c6b4d.jpg[/img] [b]Size:[/b] 5 foot 8 inches, 75kg [b]Physical Shape:[/b] Lloyd is rather slim with the slightest bit of muscle on him from his days past of constantly working out. His job as a priest has kept him from doing too much physical activity, with the most probably being the long periods of time he had to spend standing and giving his sermons. He regularly did gardening and tended his flowers during his free time before the virus broke out and as a result still maintained some of the muscle from his younger days which has been amplified by the physical work he'd been having to do during the 'apocalypse'. [b]Name:[/b] Lloyd Patterson [b]Age:[/b] 40 [b]Personality: [/b] Lloyd is a man who prefers to stay away from any physical confrontation whatsoever as he believes violence only leads to more violence. Of course, this viewpoint has changed somewhat since people began eating each others faces but he still prefers to avoid any infected that he sees rather than attack them. He abstinent from alcohol to the highest degree, and would look for other methods before considering ingesting alcohol of sort. Around others he tends to be sociable, yet cautious as his time in the apocalypse has subjected him to betrayal and long periods of loneliness have made him suspicious of others and while he tends to prefer travelling with others, he will often be rather secure of his past and will often keep to himself until he is sure that he can trust someone. [b]Occupation:[/b] Priest [b]Equipment: [/b]Lloyd wears a dark green field jacket over a stained white t-shirt that he often wore over his head as a shield from the sun during the summer. He also wears a pair of dark blue jeans along with some sneakers on his feet. A small cross necklace hangs around his neck. [b]Inventory: [/b] -Two large bottles of water -One bible(King James Version) -4x various canned foods [b]Weapons:[/b] -One Colt M1911 with 4 magazines of ammunition -One crowbar [b]Background: [/b] Lloyd was born in Dublin to a butcher father and a mother who worked as a chef. Lloyd grew up with a sister and two brothers and was extremely close to his family. Most of his extended family lived in Dublin along with Lloyd and his immediate family so he was also very close to them as well. At school Lloyd was generally well behaved. He got generally average grades at school, but had great interest in history and generally excelled at it. He left school with hardly any idea of what he wanted to do in life. He worked in his fathers abattoir for a while, but decided it really wasn't the type of job for him. He went to university and got a degree in history before getting hired as the curator for a new museum in Minneapolis. His life was at an all time high by that point. He worked as the curator for a few years without a hitch, sending letters and the like to his family and even getting the occasional visit every now and then. Things took a turn for the worst when Lloyd decided to start frequenting the local Irish-American bar. As an actual Irish person, Lloyd was a great hit with everyone in the bar. He loved the praise and became friends with many of the other regulars at the bar, many of which being members of the Irish-American gang that 'owned' the area that the bar was in. Lloyd became friendlier and friendlier with this gang and eventually became a member of the gang after a year or two of frequenting the pub. He never really revealed this information to anyone for fear that he'd lose his job and he never really actually considered himself to be a full fledged member of the gang. That is until he was actually taken on one of the many 'jobs' the gang did. After a while, many employees at the museum discovered Lloyds connection to the gang and told the actual owner of the museum. Lloyd was subsequently fired and fell into a spiral of depression and alcohol. His rage only grew with the constant drinking and he became more and more violent with each passing day. He only noticed the drastic change he had gone through after he had realized he hadn't actually been in contact with his family back in Dublin for a few months. He took a look at his life and what it had become and vowed to change. He began going to Alcoholics anonymous and attempted to cut ties with his gang. It was harder than he assumed and he was met with empty threats and promises of money, but he paid no heed as he was sure what he wanted to do in life now. He began studying to become a priest, eventually becoming one and regaining the connection he had to his family. He made amends with the people he had wronged and dedicated himself to helping people rather than hurting them. [/centre]