Sayaka put down her cellphone, and sighed in relief. She would have called yesterday, but she forgot about it due to both preparing for Ason High and a game she recently rented. Fortunately the employer, Eris Reinhardt, didn't seem to mind, and she got the job secured. But she was surprised when Reinhardt said they would meet at Ason High; she did sound like she was her age, but she spoke in a really refined and polite way, like an aristocrat. Sayaka was happy about getting the job; it wasn't too far from the school or her home, and with the money she could buy the newest releases instead of renting decade-old games. Her father at least approved, since he was constantly busy with business trips and the like, and she would be home alone for most of the time. She was decent at housekeeping, so she could work as a maid. She did wonder about the address, which was a hotel suite, but that would be for her to discover later. Sayaka walked downstairs to the kitchen, where her father was simultaneously eating breakfast, reading the newspaper and talking to the phone; he seemed to be having an important meeting, once again. Sayaka smiled: as busy as her father was, he still put his work aside so he could drive Sayaka to her first day at the new school. She sometimes worried that he would overwork himself, but he always said that Sayaka was the dearest thing to her in the entire world. [color=fdc68a]"Hey dad, I got that job we talked about. The employer said I could start today,"[/color] she said while she ate breakfast herself. [color=39b54a]"I'll bring that development char-excuse me. Oh, that's great, dear. Now, if you feel like you can't do your schoolwork on time because of the job you'll have to quit it; your studies come first. You do know the route so you don't get lost, right? I'll be in Sweden this week, so I trust that you don't need a babysitter."[/color] [color=fdc68a]"No dad, I'm not a child anymore. I'll be fine, I promise."[/color] [color=39b54a]"I always have my phone with me, so don't hesitate to call me if you need to talk to me. Where's Usami? Isn't she supposed to come with you?"[/color] [color=fff200]"I'm wight hewe!"[/color] A strange rabbit-like creature floated from the ceiling lamp and landed on Sayaka's head. [color=fff200]"This is an impowtant day fow Sayaka; she's going to become a pwopew summonew!"[/color] Sayaka nodded in agreement; this was a big day in her life. While every person gets a summon in their life, not everyone can go to a summoning school where they can hone that skill. Sayaka's father took a look at his watch and his eyes opened. [color=39b54a]"Okay Sayaka, let's go."[/color] [hr] Usami poked her head out from Sayaka's backpack as they made a turn and Ason High's gates were in sight. Sayaka's father stopped in front of them, and Sayaka hopped out with her backpack hoisted over her shoulder. [color=39b54a]"Have a nice day at the school, dear. I love you,"[/color] he said, and lifted Sayaka's bicycle out of the trunk. [color=fdc68a]"I love you too dad,"[/color] Sayaka responded. Her father put the metal to the pedal and flung out of there like a racing car. [color=fff200]"Wow, youw fathew is a busy bee,"[/color] Usami said. [color=fff200]"Come on, let's meet up with youw new fwiends."[/color] Friends? Sayaka didn't know what to think. Usami seemed to be confident in her gaining new friends. She did hope she would have friends herself, but she was afraid that she would end up alone like in her previous school; the other girls didn't so much make fun of her as just ignored her due to her weird hobbies. She wasn't bullied, which she was thankful for, but the group assignments were always a hard time on her due to everyone immediately forming their own groups and leaving her out. [color=fdc68a]"I don't know, Usami. We'll have to see how it goes first. Please don't make a ruckus now."[/color] Usami shook her stubby arm as a sing of compliance, and buried herself deep in her backpack. Sayaka took a few steps forward, and took a quick look around. There were others like her who came by car, and one of them was a really fancy one. A boy and a girl came out of it with the boy leading the way, but the boy pulled the girl too hard and both of them fell to the ground. It looked like the girl was hurt, and Sayaka rushed over to help. She reached out for the girl. [color=fdc68a]"Hey, uh, do you need help?"[/color]