[center][h2]Thor[/h2] [img]http://i.imgur.com/YYbgXgs.jpg[/img][/center] [center][b]Gender[/b] Female [b]Age[/b] 20 [b]Height[/b] 5'3" / 1,57 m [b]Weight[/b] 120 lb. / 54 kg [b]Hair Color[/b] Blonde [b]Eye Color[/b] Brown [b]Skin Color[/b] A bit pale [b]Figure[/b] Small [b]Magic[/b] Lightning Magic [b]Magic Level[/b] A[/center] [center][h2]Powers[/h2][/center] [center][i]Super Charge[/i] If the user uses any ability their hair will slowly change into white hair with a blue glow shining from it. Their hair will wave around through the air. [i]Discharge[/i] The power to control the flow of electric charge through a gas, liquid or solid and other matters. Properties and effects of electric discharges are useful over a wide range of magnitudes. Tiny pulses of current are used to detect ionizing radiation. The user can release large quantities of electrical energies in radius wise to cause massive damage. The user can also formulate a current as to how the electrical energy flows and guide it as to where the user desires. [i]Shock Wave[/i] Send out a wave of electricity every direction till a certain distance. It will paralys the opponent for a few seconds. [i]Lightning Shock[/i] The user creates a high electrical current and sends it at the opponent. The shock will keep going through multiple people as long as their near enough to each other until it dies out. [i]Lightning Ball[/i] The user creates a lightning ball that electrocutes targets in the direction it is faced too. The size of the ball depends on the user's Magic Power. [i]Lightning Bolt[/i] Users can summon lightning bolts from the sky or project them from their hands, using them to pierce and/or severely burn their opponents even to the point of death. Unlike normal bolts of lightning, they could use them as concussive or even piercing forces, which could be strong enough to affect even greater beings of strength and durability. Which also grants tremendous temperature and kinetic force, averaging over 50,000°C 5 times hotter than the surface of the sun with at least 1,000,000,000 volts, moving at 1/1000th of a second. It takes time to charge and can be highly lethal to the user. [i]Electrical Transportation[/i] User can transport themselves by electricity, by lightning or electronics. This is achieved by either riding the flow of electrons or becoming electricity itself for travel. [i]Electrokinetic Wing Manifestation[/i] The user has or can form wings out of electricity and use them from transportation to offensive and defensive purposes such as using them as a shield to block oncoming attacks or slicing/battering the target with electrical energy. [i]Vibration Emission[/i] The user can create vibrations by emitting a high-frequency waves and use these in electricity. [i]Electrokinetic Wing Blades[/i] The user uses vibrations to create electrical wing blades. [i]Electromagnetic Pulse Emission[/i] The user can produce a surge of electromagnetic energy, which can disrupt all technology nearby. The pulse may come from the user's hands or even from their entire body. [i]Electrical Heating[/i] The user can generate electricity, which in turn generates heat as a side-effect. As a result it can be use to heat and melt things. [i]Electrified Surface[/i] The user can cause surfaces (often floor) to emit electricity, causing lightning-damage on anything in contact with them or the lightning. Only when the surface is made out off a conducting material. [i]Lightning Ball Form[/i] User is made up of or can transform their body completely into the form of spherical electricity, a ball lightning. Users transformed form is of completely homogenous state, without any part of their form being more important than the other. They are completely formed of electricity, without anything truly left from their physical form. [i]Electric whip[/i] User forms a long electric current that takes form as a whip. While the whip is out it can become longer to increase it's range in just a mere few milliseconds time. The whip can also suddenly change from place but it will break apart in multiple electric currents as soon as it is used and become a whole again as it is in the desired place. [i]Electrocute[/i] The user puts their hands on the target's body and electrocutes them with a powerful surge of electricity. [i]Lightning Body[/i] The user covers their body in lightning, greatly increasing their speed, and, effectively, turning them into an actual lightning bolt, thereby granting them great flexibility and maneuverability. [i]Force Field[/i] Users of this ability can create force fields of highly concentrated electrical energy composed of electromagnetic energy for protection. [i]Static Cling[/i] The user of this ability can crawl, walk, and run up walls using static electricity. [i]Electric Aura[/i] Users can surround themselves in electricity. Touching them would cause an electrocution. [i]Electrical Healing[/i] The user can heal themselves or others by using electricity by absorbing the electrons and using them to stimulate molecules, speeding them up to renewing damaged cells. Electricity can also provide energy to reduce fatigue, allowing optimal health, as well as restarting the heart and repair any brain damage.[/center] [center][h2]Strengths[/h2][/center] [center]Close combat Very good in close combat and can easily wipe someone off the field when she is close enough Unsociable Very good at keeping secrets Self conscious Knows what her weaknesses are[/center] [center][h2]Weaknesses[/h2][/center] [center]Quiet Thor isn't so talk active around other and tends to write things down instead for Thor's own comfort. Water Thor may short circuit if Thor touches water in any way. Clumsy Whether it is during battle or in normal everyday life, there is always something Thor can mess up by falling or cutting into Thor's own finger.[/center] [center][h2]Personality[/h2][/center] [center]Thor is a very quiet and does rarely talk. She always tries to help others in Thor's own way and wants to see them smile. Despites that she is a very carefree and simple minded. Thor rarely feels sad for being alone, Thor even likes and prefers to be alone most of the time to fully concentrate on what they are doing. Thor can be very clumsy from time to time and is easily distracted by things that gets her interest.[/center] [center][h2]Team Members[/h2] N/A[/center] [center][h2]Background[/h2][/center] [center]Need to edit dis[/center] [center][h2]Greatest Love[/h2] Animals and hugs[/center] [center][h2]Motivation[/h2] Gettin stronger to protect others[/center] [center][h2]Further Information[/h2][/center] [center]She doesn't talk much because of what she has all seen mentally. Thor uses a notepad to write down what she has to say. Thor doesn't show her appearance much either. In Thor's youth Thor was always bullied and always ended up using their Electric Aura. This made her get used to the ability and unable to switch it off for long times. That's why Thor prefers not to be touched and to avoid hurting friends. [b]Birthday[/b] 25th of June [b]Blood type[/b] O negative[/center] [center][h2]Theme[/h2] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B6562XGf01s]Yuki no Elfinlied[/url] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e1TXEmByKSM]Saya's song[/url][/center]