[hider=Goram Dorr] [centre][img]http://www.anime-planet.com/images/characters/michitaka_55598.jpg[/img] [hider=Treant] [img]http://cdnimg.visualizeus.com/thumbs/1a/23/dnd,gw2-1a2349d53fe9413e6ec8e907c2e52567_h.jpg[/img] [/hider] [/centre] [h3]Generic Information[/h3] [b]Name:[/b] Goram Dorr [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Age:[/b] 26 [b]Height:[/b] 6'2" [b]Sexuality:[/b] Heterosexual [h3]Psych Profile[/h3] [b]Traits[/b] [list] [*] [u]Gentle[/u] - A man of gentle heart, Goram always shows does his best to show compassion to those around him, whether they are deserving of it or not. [*] [u]Cool Headed[/u] - Goram has always been a calm man, unable to be provoked easily. When he does become angry, however... [*] [u]Patient[/u] - Tying in with his inability to be angered, Goram is one of the most patient individuals in existence. [*] [u]Treant Strength[/u] - Even when not in his monster form, Goram is incredibly sturdy and strong, capable of lifting and breaking apart large objects with ease. [/list] [b]Monster Traits[/b] [list] [*] [u]Colossal[/u] - When in treant form, Goram is a towering hulk of a monster. Though he moves around on all four of his trunk-sized legs, he still reaches up to 8 feet tall. [*] [u]Deafening Roar[/u] - Should he be angered or provoked, he will emit a roar so powerful that often it can create gale force winds, throwing away anyone who would try to harm him. [*] [u]Vine Whip[/u] - Should his roar not be enough to scare away his enemies, and should his strength be useless in his situation, he has slight control over the vines and branches growing from his back. [/list] [b]Flaws[/b] [list] [*] [u]Slow[/u] - Though nobody would question his intelligence, Goram can sometimes take longer to come to certain conclusions than others. [*] [u]Unable to Identify Danger[/u] - Due to his gentle nature, Goram will rarely see a situation as dire or inherently dangerous towards himself and/or others. [*] [u]Afraid of Machines[/u] - Living near machines his entire childhood, Goram developed an inherent fear of machinery and it's workings. [/list] [b]Monster Flaws[/b] [list] [*] [u]Low Speed[/u] - He may be big, but his incredible size causes him to be incredibly slow when travelling or when reacting to outside stimuli. He may be able to pulverise you into a pancake, but he'll take a few minutes to do so. [*] [u]Peaceful Creature[/u] - Unless commanded to do so, the treant will rarely attack unless [i]severely[/i] provoked. Whether this is the monster, or Goram affecting his treant form, is unclear. [*] [u]Burn Baby, Burn[/u] - In his treant form, Goram is incredibly weak to fire and any flame-based weapons, owing to the fact that he is a tree. Wood does burn, after all. [/list] [b]Backstory:[/b] Son of the Master Blacksmith, Hoska Dorr, who worked as the metal worker for many of the wealthy and established noble class, Goram was born into the life of metal working and the building of machine components. As a young boy Goram was always more fascinated with the outside world, yearning to explore and adventure the land beyond his father's workshop. His father accepted his son's whimsical dreams, until it became clear that Goram was inheriting his father's "smithy" build, namely the tall height and expansive muscular torso. Goram was forced to work the forge, as his father did, helping to build the very machines he could not stand. A sudden and unexplained accident within the workshop caused the death of Hoska, and so his workshop and prestigious title were passed on to Goram, his freedom slipping further out of reach. Trapped within the noble world of machine-working, he barely scraped by with what little he could do, his dreams haunted by the echoing sound of metal on metal, and machines whirring to life. A sudden glimmer of hope appeared when an invitation arrived from Lord Nixus to his prestigious party, and so Goram's freedom was suddenly reeled back in to the realm of possibility. If he played his cards right, and earned himself a meeting with the Lord, he could strike a business deal to hand over his title and workshop. With the money he earned, he would be able to explore and be free of his father's legacy. But, alas, all did not go to plan; the meeting came, but the business deal did not. Instead of money and freedom, Goram earned a brand, and an even worse imprisonment. [b]Character Motivation:[/b] Escape and freedom. All his life Goram wished to be rid of his imprisoned lifestyle, working to build the very things he loathed. Now that he is ensnared and enslaved by Lord Nixus, his motivations are only stronger, dreaming only of becoming a human again and ridding his mind of the Lord's magical snare. [hider=Opinion Of Others] [b]Mariah Amor:[/b] Goram always envied miss Amor whenever he saw her passing by; what he wouldn't give to be free of work for even a day. Besides that, he has never really gotten up the nerve to talk to her, but Goram knows her as kind, having been told so by those who do. [b]Gwendolyn Argall:[/b] WIP [b]Edwyn Carlisle:[/b] As one of the leading business empires in the first days of machine implementation, Goram has worked many a job for the Carlisle family. When Edwyn took over the family business, this meant Goram had many occasions to develop an opinion. Though he admires the man for saving his family from bankruptcy, Goram always preferred the older Carlisle, Edwyn's uncle, Andrew; after all, Goram always seemed to bore Edwyn whenever he visited the workshop. [b]Lizbeth D'Veaux:[/b] Goram had met Lizbeth on several occasions. Their first encounter was when she broke into his father's workshop and attempted to steal a few tools. Goram accidentally stumbled upon her while working the forge, and quietly helped her exit the workshop without notice. Since then, Goram has met her a few more times, always letting her take things, or on some occasions giving her things that she wanted or needed. Though he isn't fond of her lifestyle, he still hopes to help her along, knowing how it feels to be trapped by one's fortune, whether good or bad. [b]Linta Hohyener:[/b] WIP [b]Kipling Baye:[/b] Goram had heard the rumours of this Kipling Baye, but then, he never put any stock in rumours. Goram recalled Kipling's father as being the workshop's supplier of spare parts, for the tools and equipment that were used and broken day-to-day. This continued after Kipling took over the business, though Goram rarely saw the man himself, hearing only words of his iron fist and tough regime over his workers. [b]Telion Velkfur:[/b] The Velkfurs, Goram recalls, were the ones infamous for the book burnings that the nobility and common folk so eagerly gossiped about. He never really was a reader himself, so his concern wasn't for the books themselves, but the boy that had to watch all his things go up in smoke. Goram is reminded of it every time someone walks in and talks about the smoke stack above his workshop being "almost as big as the Smiler!" [b]Elia Reinhardt:[/b] Goram only knew Elia as the daughter of one of his father's work friends, a close one at that. That would have been the extent of his knowledge of her, had his father not invited them over to organise a business deal. He had been working the forge when they dropped by, and he was surprised when Elia came to look upon his work. Goram summed up the gentlest smile he could, before returning to hammering away. It was only after they had left that his father spoke to him, revealing his intentions of marriage to seal the business deal. Goram was surprised at first, though he was unsure of how he actually felt about the situation. Unfortunately, his father had died a few weeks later, the deal (and marriage) slipping away with him. [b]Adelia Sophia Marsden:[/b] Goram went to see one of Adelia's performances, on a whim, and was surprised and in awe of the beauty of her singing. She had managed to give Goram a taste of what freedom would be like, allowing him to escape the tiny world that his workshop kept him trapped in. He told himself if he ever got the chance to meet her in person, he would thank her many times over. [/hider] [b]Other:[/b] [/hider]