"Finally. Jeezuz," Echo said to herself. A wall opened upwards from the side of room and presented a new room. Well, it was more like a hallway which led into a room. As they would walk down the hallway, Echo would begin to speak again. "Congratulations on finishing your first challenge! That one was a bit easy I think, and you all were pretty quick to find it. Now, the next challenge. Whoever finds the glowing button that unlocks the door first wins a prize and unlocks the door! Of course I'll give you a prize. I'm not [i]that[/i] cruel. There's a catch though. The more buttons you press, the more points you will lose. Of course there are points! Think of this all as a fun game. What's up with these points then? The person with the most points at the end of the day will win a prize. The person with the least points however, will be taken away. To do what? I can not tell you." She giggles a little bit and it can be heard. "Alright. Have fun! Also, congratulations Vanessa for figuring out! Added points! Some points to Cinia for trying! Poor you with no arms! Alright, like I said before, have fun!" As they would come to the end of the hallway, there would be a wall. Once they were all there a small bell would ding indicating a timer and the door would fly upwards. Meanwhile, Echo stopped two of the stopwatches, started another, and wrote down some more things. [hider=Hallway][img]http://static5.depositphotos.com/1024166/489/i/950/depositphotos_4892167-White-Room.jpg[/img][/hider] [hider=Button Room][img]http://jeffwerner.ca/images/journal/CRW_1026.jpg[/img][/hider] ------------- Vistra was wondering why everything was white. Maybe she was in an insane asylum? It would make sense. Testing her and all. As the door flew upwards she stepped in the room and looked around. Echo said points would be deducted for wrong buttons pushed. There [i]had[/i] to be some logic to this, right?