Nathan, once in the hall was about to take off, and head somewhere else.. he had some cash in his pockets, which was always good, he'd stop and hit a fast food place and load up on some food before probably heading home, when he heard the sound, a distinct crack that came from an assault rifle, heading into the room the sound was coming from, which was being nicely masked by the music, and the same room that Mika and Walt were in, and Eris was dragging her drunk friend through. he saw the bodies, and the blood. "what the hell" he said, not expecting that, he was expecting cops, coming to break up an illegal rave, but this was.. this wasnt right. and his first instinct was to get the hell out of there, and fast.. and there was none faster then him. but these people were innocent, and they were being mowed down. it didnt take long for him to make up his mind, not long at all as he brought on the speed and time slowed around him, bullets froze in mid air, moving super slow that he could see the actual air they cut through. grabbing Eris and her friend, he had them behind a pillar fast before he turned to the men.. catching them surrounding a girl on the ground, who was all bruised up he ran over. thumping one in the forehead, he moved around to the others grabbing the waist band of another and pulling straight up, he'd go through each and every one that was firing into the innocent group of people, barely touching them or hitting them in the face with his hand. which was something, since he was moving at the speeds he was, the strength of his touches, hits, and wedgies were all exponentially increased, it was why he wasn't flat out punching them, it could possible kill them. when all the men were taken care of, he went and grabbed the bullets they had fired and began adjusting their flight path, pinching them between his fingers, he angled them straight up instead so they'd fly away the people. when he was done he stopped moving, appearing standing behind a naked girl who had taken cover behind the pillar. he didnt need to see to know those men firing were out of the game. "yo, can you make me a hole?" he asked her. "the doors are locked or chained up or something, i tried them, can you burn me a hole?" he asked as he looked her up and down, admiring the view before the current situation came back and he went back to looking her in the eyes. he had a few new holes in his pants and pull over, but his shoes were the ones that were currently smoking, and smelling like burnt rubber. "if i had a way out, i can start moving these people out of here"