[center][hider=Arguis][img]http://mayhemandmuse.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/07/A-fantasy-Photoshop-painting-in-which-a-boy-plays-chess-with-mice-while-confetti-and-streamers-fall.jpg[/img] [b]Name:[/b] Arguis [i]Might[/i] 4 + 1 Free Point 1 Might used to raise up a land mass. [img]http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs9/i/2006/003/b/5/Fantasy_Map_by_ColorOfInsanity.gif[/img] (Border split down the middle. Dusis to the left, Sherima to the right) [i]Creations[/i] Continent of Arguilla [i]Level[/i] 2 [b]Domains/Portfolios:[/b] Knowledge (Nigh Omniscience) [b]Musical Theme:[/b] Normal: [url=https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=bbWwU6S7WSg]Feather[/url] War Theme: [url=https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=uu94eOQqYP4]Enfin Apparu[/url][/hider][/center] Slowly but surely the orb of spatial deception, took power from each of his brethren. All there powers would create a balanced universe, although some were some less important to the creation of the universe than others. After seemingly ages, the orb completed its cycle, and ended up in front of Vowzra. Arguis had a slight understanding of the brilliant power about that would be displayed in a few seconds. The orb would need a medium in order to utilize the energy it had taken in. Unfortunately, Arguis did not understand what would happen next, nor did he know what the medium was, but he assumed it was all their celestial bodies. Suddenly, the darkness in which Arguis had grown accustomed to became white. He felt was his strength, he essence was being drained away. Arguis only felt it for a few seconds before it all dissaperaed. Before Arguis was a another universe, a complete one, filled with galaxies, stars, black holes, planets, everything in which made up this beautiful space. The only thing that messed the whole experience up for him was the fact that the Dragon god's babies were some were in the conglomeration of stars that made up their universe. The fact that he knew exactly were they were and when they would hatch, made it worse. Arguis looked away, hoping to get the image of dragons leaping out of stars, out of his head. Arguis whistled, a change from the pattern of "whoa" and "wow" that would soon ensue. Arguis looked down, bellow he was a bare plant, it was a white canvas in which all of them would fight to paint on. What fun it would be, despite the power struggles, and the enslaving of a race, he would ultimately enjoy himself. "So, I don't now about the rest of you, but I'm going to have fun, over there." He said sarcastically, pointing the the plant bellow. Before anything else could be said he teleported down to the surface. That plant was just as bare and boring as it was from the heavens. Arguis got started immediately, he had already seen what his empire would become, what everyone's would become, but things changed, he would need to be ready, first. The planet that they had chosen, was bare, lifeless, it could not even support one life at this stage in the game. Arguis looked up towards the heavens, their creations would need protection from the sun, an atmosphere, a shield, that was the answer. There was alot of work to be done at this stage. Arguis glanced up at Undasis, it was ironic, the water god would be taking care air. With all that being taken care of, he could now do his own thing. "First verse in the Book of Arguis is, "He raised his hand to the air and called forth a continent from the depths of the earth, and he named this land, Arguilla!" Arguis yelled as all that he said came to be. A large continent came up from out of the earth, the ground under his feet and for miles around were raised up. The empire would be a island continent, despite the people that would live on it anyway. Arguis teleported a few thousand feet into the air over his land. He already new were it would go, what it would become. It would house two countries, both friendly, but tensions would still be high. They would band together to fight a common enemy in the end. One would be named Dusis, the other Sherima. Next order of business, was creating the people who would live of it, the problem was he still needed an atmosphere, and an ocean, the ocean because it are the place look nicer.