[quote=@Phantom Wanderer] [@Zobozun] The Makamou had been sealed along with all the other Kamen Rider villains...HOWEVER you could say something like the oni had been training for their return, or something like that. Well...other than that, accepted. [/quote] Sure, just one question: Should I add something about, you know, consequences for sealing the Makamou? Like, I get sealing the villains that are major issues (such as Orochi or the Man and Woman), but the Makamou as a whole are as far as I'm aware some sort of naturally-occurring phenomena that just kind of happens, and sealing away the Makamou as a whole would be a bit like sealing away rocks or trees. Should I change my character's backstory to reflect this? Something about how sealing away the Makamou actually had really awful unintended side-effects on the world as a whole and the Oni have been working to bring them back in an attempt to undo their mistake or some such thing?