If you're interested. [quote]Silence. Some think it's peaceful, soothing, relaxing. It lets you concentrate, lets you focus on the things running through your mind. But to others, silence was loud. Very loud. It was louder than a battlefield. It could drive you crazy, make you feel alone, make you feel paranoid. And in this large, bright, white room, with only a desk and three chairs, silence was about to drive this man crazy. He bounced his leg up and down, trying to pass the time. His breathing fluctuated with his frustration. Finally a door behind him suddenly opened. Two men walked in and then the door slammed shut. They circled around the table and sit in the two empty chairs on the other side of the desk. One of them threw down a file folder before sitting down in his seat. "Hard man to find," the older man said with a smirk on his face. "That's why I've lived as long as I have," the captive replied. "Well. You're here now. Open the folder. Tell me what you see." The captive looked down at the folder and then, after a moment, slowly leaned forward and opened the file. A bunch of papers and a picture held together by a paperclip was inside. The jumble of typed letters didn't much catch his attention, but the picture did. I was some sort of strange, oddly-shaped creature behind a tree in a wooded area. "Am I suppose to know what this is," the captive asked after examining the photo. "Not likely," the older man said. "This was taken seventeen days ago somewhere along the Brazilian-Venezuelan border. The photographer was a 'Michael Edwards'. American tourist, upper class. Apparently he was on some sort of vacation in Brazil when caught sight of the... creature. We brought him in for further questioning, but he didn't give us much. He was pretty shaken up from some sort of previous trauma, but we [i]did [/i]catch 'Brazil'. After some further investigation into the area, we have confirmed the picture was indeed shot there." "What's this got to do with me then? You want me to kill it?" "Not exactly. We'd like to capture it, alive if possible." "Alright... so you need me to drop in and find this... this thing?" "Yes, but not alone. We're assembling a team of.. 'professionals'. You're just one of them, but the others are waiting nearby. We'll drop your team in the Brazilian wilderness and you'll need to trek to the last known location of the specimen. We'd drop you closer, but we can't afford scaring the creature off. We'll be giving you some firepower, but you need to exercise restraint and capture it alive - if possible." "Alright, sounds easy enough. Is it an animal? An endangered species? You some wildlife preservationists?" "Not exactly," the old man said in an annoyed tone. "We're part of the Agency, now a small, covert branch of the United Nations. Formed in 1958, the Agency was tasked with formulating contingencies in case alien life existed, as many people became paranoid of extraterrestrials after the launch of Sputnik-1." The younger man then spoke up. "At least the ET movie helped calm things down, huh?" The old man didn't bother to acknowledge the comment and continued speaking. "We believe this creature is an extraterrestrial. And if it's here on Earth, we need to capture it. Doing so will give us the credible and necessary evidence we need to present to the United Nations." "Then what?" "Well, then a Council is formed. And then XCOM will have all the necessary support, manpower, and funding required to investigate more of these... [i]aliens[/i]." The captive sighed and stretched his arms and legs, leaning back in his chair unprofessionally. "Well. When do we start?"[/quote]