[@Neo Anderson] Running and turning around the corner sharply, his shoulder scraping against the concrete, Anderson slammed into the door and quickly shot a glance up at the camera. "Open the fucking door!" he yelled desperately. As the door moved into the wall, he ran through unholstering his trusty taser and taking out his walking talkie from its socket. Tuning it up as he ran, he mashed the on button until the green light appeared on the side. "I think the big guys out! Someone get Robert, he'll still be in the rest room." Turning around the corner that led up to Kazlov's cell, he saw a guard on the ground unconscious, two parts of his stick jammed into his legs. Kazlov was slapping the guy in the face, telling him to wake up before he killed him. "Hey dickhead..." As the patient turned and stood in one fluid motion, already taking a stride before Andersons sentence had finished, he shot the taser from his hip. Striking Kazlov in the chest he stopped in his tracks, his body shook and his face grew red and pinkish. Anderson was about to stop the current when his arm began to move from beside him up to the taser wires, shaking as it went. Just as his twitching fingers reached the electrified wires, Anderson switched the current higher and watched as Kazlov flopped down to the floor.