Ryan kept the speech in mind, he figured that some of the details might be important later. He looked around, noting the other faunus in the room that he could see. He waited until a lot of them had left, not quite sure what exactly he should do, perhaps simply go to the ballroom and wait for the next day? Or meet some of the other students and possibly get to know who might end up being his teammate? He glanced towards the one with the game console and the other with him, seeing them walk towards the small faunus and what seemed to be her friend. [i]They seem to be a group of friends, if there's fellow faunus over there, I'd be best making friends with them...[/i] Ryan waited a little before walking towards the group, scratching the back of his head slightly. [i]Pretty awkward walking up to a random group of people, but it might be worth it in the long run.[/i] He looked through the people there, trying to find who he thought was the leader or the friendliest. He figured the one smiling at the others was, and decided to try using his semblence to explain that he was new there and planned on making a few friends. He tried his semblence, hoping the man would understand the instant information on his intentions. (Hope you're okay with it Pyroman, if not, I'll just have him explain himself vocally)