[hider= Ayato Sawagami] [b]Name:[/b] Ayato Sawagami [b]Age:[/b] 26 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Appearance:[/b] [center][IMG]http://i61.tinypic.com/j0f8t0.jpg[/IMG] [b]Height:[/b] 1,71m [b]Weight:[/b] 72kg[/center] [b]Personality: [/b][indent][indent]Ayato is very relaxed person who rarely gets visibly upset by the events around him. He rarely panics and rarely gets absorbed by his emotions to the point of making foolish decisions. In his job as a youkai hunter Ayato doesn’t consider himself the “protector of the weak” or a “hero” and is in fact quite above such delusions. Despite that, he believes that youkai who step out of line and cause large disturbances in the human world need to be stopped and he is quite willing to do so, especially if there is monetary compensation for it. Although Ayato has seen quite a few gruesome acts committed by youkai, and even had some of his Chaser comrades killed by them, he holds no grudge against the entire race and is willing to communicate and cooperate with them, which he has done on more than one occasion. This professional approach has earned him a reputation among the Chasers and youkai alike. When not hunting or otherwise dealing with supernatural, Ayato has a few hobbies he is quite dedicated to: motorbikes, firearms and video games. He is also an avid smoker and goes through a pack of cigarettes a day.[/indent][/indent] [b]Skills and Powers:[/b] [indent][indent][b]Spectral Form:[/b] Ayato instantly turns incorporeal. His appearance changes, becoming a transparent white-blue silhouette shaped like him. Anything smaller than him he touches that is not a living being will be turned incorporeal with him. In this form Ayato moves extremely fast and his reflexes are boosted. He can’t be touched by physical objects and can move through them as if they didn’t exist, but he also isn’t capable of touching and harming anything in this form. Also, Ayato is capable of levitating up to 10 meters above the ground and doesn’t get injured by falling from high places. [b]Marksman:[/b] Guns are Ayato’s hobby and he is very good at using them. [b]Athletic Ability:[/b] Because his job is hunting down supernatural monsters Ayato has trained his body to be fit. He is stronger and has better reflexes than average person.[/indent][/indent] [b]Bio:[/b][indent][indent]Ayato was a firstborn child in a fairly normal middle class family. His father was a salaryman, his mother a housewife and three years after his birth he got a younger brother. His childhood and teens were completely average, without anything happening which would set it apart from any other Japanese his age. He went to school, participated in club activities, hanged out with friends, went on dates, studied for tests... If there was anything that stood out was his athletic ability, he was the ace of the basketball club. It is during this period where his interest for guns and motorbikes began to exhibit, but he never obsessed over his hobbies to a degree which anyone would consider weird. When Ayato enrolled in college it seemed as if his life was going to continue in the same manner, but it was during the winter of his first year when an event took place which changed his life forever. As he was walking back to his flat from a drinking party with his college buddies his was attacked by a monster and dragged into an unknown world. Back then he knew neither what it was nor where it took him; the only thing he knew was that he had to escape if he wanted to live. That is when it manifested. To this day Ayato doesn’t know if his spectral form was something he was born with or if that first visit to Crimson Sky somehow imbued him with it, but that newly found ability saved his life. He turned incorporeal and somehow managed to escape the youkai and Crimson Sky. First few days after the experience he was so terror stricken he wouldn’t leave his flat or answer calls, but this didn’t stop second attack from happening. The youkai, whom he eluded before, found him and decided to finish the job. In the first bout of panic Ayato desperately attacked the monster and managed to wound it. Seeing it injured increased his confidence and, after a fierce struggle using everything at his disposal as a weapon, he managed to slay it. Once the fight was over Ayato realized he was again in the weird crimson effort and this time it took more effort for him to get back into human world, but once he was back thought over everything that happened to him. Beginning from the assumption that he was not insane, he came to the conclusion that there is another world inhabited by monsters which prey on humans. The process of thinking everything through helped him regain his peace of mind, although it would take months for Ayato the fear of that other, crimson world completely leave Ayato. For a while life continued normally for Ayato. He returned to college and his studies, but he also explored both his new found power and the other world. If, he rationalized, there is other world filled with monsters, it would be wise to learn about it and how to counter the danger it posed. After avoiding danger for some time and just sticking to passively observing, Ayato eventually began involving himself with monsters. This chiefly means he would try and stop them from catching unsuspecting humans. Several times he managed to do this without big problems, but soon he ended up in hospital after a particularly fierce battle. It was during his stay in the hospital that the second event which changed his life drastically happened. A man introducing himself as the representative of the Yotsuba Technologies Corporation (YTC) offered Ayato a job. Apparently, someone saw that last battle and took interest in Ayato’s power. YTC was already involved with the world of monsters and wanted to hire Ayato as a specimen-hunter and a security. In return, aside from a big paycheck, Ayato would receive intensive training, state of the art equipment and education about the Crimson Sky. Ayato took the time while he was in hospital to think about it but in the end agreed. The time he worked for YTC was the darkest part of Ayato’s life. The corporation used its findings from the Crimson Sky to create powerful fusions of technology and magic which it then sold for profit. YTC was ruthless in achieving its goals, performing all manner of illegal or borderline-legal activities. Initially Ayato managed not to care about what he witnessed as the employee of YTC, but as years passed he couldn’t stand it anymore and tried to leave. However, you don’t just leave YTC after witnessing its operations, especially not if you had a power like Ayato. Immediately upon learning his plans to quit YTC sent henchmen to abduct Ayato. If he didn’t want to be their employee he would be their research specimen. Things didn’t go as planned- Ayato wiped out the entire team sent after him. YTC sent another team and Ayato eliminated it too. This process repeated for a while until Ayato decided to counter-attack and destroyed one of the bigger research facilities, almost exposing some of the corporation’s darker experiments. In the end YTC decided that trying to deal with Ayato violently wasn’t worth the expenses and risks and stopped pursuing him. Left alone, Ayato stopped involving himself with supernatural for a while, but eventually he came in contact with Hunter’s Association and began hunting violent youkai for money. It has been a year since then. [/indent][/indent] [b]Equipment:[/b][indent][indent][b]Weapon's Locker:[/b] Less of a locker and more a room, this is a hidden space within Ayato's apartment filled with firearms of all kinds (all illegal, of course). Don't be surprised when he appears in front of a youkai with an assault rifle... or a rocket launcher. [b]Spectral V20:[/b] A bike custom built by YTC for Ayato. It's shell is very resistant to damage and he can pull it with him into spectral form despite it being larger than him. [b]SEDOD (Supernatural Entity Detection Optical Device):[/b] Another one of YTC's gadgets, it is a pair of glasses capable of identifying youkai hiding in human form. Also, it allows user to see life signs of beings, mortal or supernatural, through the walls. This second function doesn’t work through more than one wall or if wall is over 30cm thick. [/indent][/indent] [/hider]