[centre][b][h3][color=Black]Robert Muldoon[/color] / [color=black]Mr.Kazlov[/color][/h3][/b][/centre] [color=silver]Robert sat silently drinking from an old scuffed up plastic cup, even against the constant years of decay you could still just barely read "my big red coffee cup, wake me the hell up" scrolled across it. Robert had just gotten back from his daily exercise routine on the island, it had been a bit chilled earlier in the morning, but the cold was good for exercise, beside he truly did despise the heat, he was getting to be and old man and he did not want to suffer heat stroke or something. Sipping from the cup of coffee, he had not expect the door to the break room to bust open and slam the wall behind it, Robert jumped damn near out of his skin as the cup of coffee bucked in his hand and splitting hot coffee hit his chest. [b]"Damn it! Really!"[/b] Robert stood up as he dropped the cup and quickly started to fan his hand down his chest to get the hot liquid off of himself, looking up his eye's were a mix of anger and curiosity at the young guard who stood in the door. He was breathing hard, so he had obviously double times it over here, as if on cue Robert received his answer through quick ragged breaths. [b][i]"Kazlov... free... guard... down"[/i][/b] Robert immediately forgot about the coffee making a red mark on his chest as he was on full alert now, of all the patients to be free, this was the one he did not want to hear about! Kazlov was a bloody nightmare on two legs. The man was a tough as a raging bull and was even meaner then one. [b]"Okay I am on my way, grab two more guards and meet me at the door quickly."[/b] The guard quickly nodded and disappeared as Robert picked up his equipment belt from the chair and quickly wrapped it around his waste and ran out the door. It had not taken him too long to reach the door, his entire run had been nothing but him thinking of the worst case scenarios. Some considered a bad thing to always think of the worst, but when you worked in a place like this, with men like Kazlov you had no time for being optimistic. The man was one huge liability and he did not mind hurting or killing people to prove it, and the last they he wanted was a death this morning on his hands. Robert reached the door as two of the larger guards came running up fully armored already. He looked at them an quickly spoke: [b]"Ok boys Kazlov has gone for a stroll, reports have indicated that he has been subdued by taser fire, but you know well enough that Kazlov is a threat until he back in that cell with the door locked and secured. So follow protocol to the letter, do not get near him even if he seems knocked out. Do not even for the slightest second assume that's it over until his door closes and locks."[/b] Robert spoke quickly to the men, this had not been the first time Kazlov had somehow got free, the last time which was months ago, he was being transported to a session. One of his restraints, particularly the restraints on his hands had not been fully secured and he in short broke them off and grabbed a guard, used him like a damn human bat and slammed the others guards with him. The man was strong and that was one such reason why caution was used to the highest degree with him. As the men nodded Robert motioned to the camera for the door to be opened, removing the tranquilizer gun from his belt the two men followed suit, one with another high volume taser and another with another tranquilizer gun. The door opened as the three men entered, Kazlov was laying on the ground with hooks in is chest, the injured guard lay near by, the guard who had incapacitated him was slowly inching forward, Robert quickly put a hand on his shoulder, when he turned to look he shook his head at him to keep his distance. Seven months prior there was an incident with Kazlov, he had pinned a guard by the neck against the wall he was struck with a taser, and he fought it off long enough to rip the hooks out, he was immediately hit again with a strong current and it took him to the ground. However as soon as the guard came closer to secure him he grabbed the man before he was hit again with another taser. It took almost four tasers and damn near over 700,000 volts to make him drool, Robert had no idea what this man did before he was captured, but he was a machine built to take punishment. Robert slowly approached Kazlov but kept a distance of at least fifteen feet just in case, the downed guard seem to be okay for the most part, but he was definitively injured, his neck had a red hand mark around it and his face was busted open from what could only be guessed as punches or slaps. Robert spoke in a rough scratchy voice towards Kazlov who was sprawled on the ground: [b]"Mr.Kazlov it is Robert Muldoon, I don't know what has happened here or what inspired this assault on this guard, but I wish to resolve this without further incident. If you can move I wish for you to stand up slowly, and moved into your cell and then proceed to the far wall, where in you will remove the hooks in your chest, your door will be re-secured."[/b] Robert watched as a bead of sweat ran down his head as he kept the tranquilizer gun trained on the big man, if Kazlov charged they would have no choice but to subdue him with extreme prejudice.[/color] [color=gold]Kazlov opened his eye's silently as he heard the very familiar voice of Robert Muldoon one of the older guards around the facility. Unlike most of the guards Robert was more then well informed on Kazlov and the possible tricks he could pull, after all almost every incident Muldoon was involved in bringing him down and securing him. In a sick and twisted way, Muldoon knew Kazlov almost like they were brothers. Kazlov slowly moved over to his side as he got on to his chest and started to push himself up, first to all fours and then stretching his legs he ever so shakily got to his feet. He was at first slightly wobbly, the volts of electricity had definitely taken some fight out of him but he was still more then able to stand. As he stood to his full height he glared at Muldoon and the other three guards that were with him, slowly turning his neck all the way to the left their was an audible crack, then doing the same to the right, there was another crack as he looked down at the guard on the ground near him. He made no move for the man, if he did Muldoon would be true to his word, even if he had not said it, Muldoon would order him to be fully subdued. There was no use in fighting that, and besides if he did so he would be transported to a part of the facility that was considered a hole for those who chose to be unruly. Kazlov did not mind the hole, it was quiet and no one bothered him, but in this case he did not wish to be fully restrained for a week in a dark room waiting for them to free him. [b]"Muldoon it seems that you and I are destined to always be going head to head with each other. It seems that now and days they always send you when I get and ounce of freedom. Which is a good strategy because out of all the guards here, I actually have a small ounce of respect for you. You show respect even though you have the eye's of a man who has done some rather... terrible things in your life. When I look at you I see a coldness in you, a coldness that is very much like my own, a coldness that can not be created but only given to those who have seen and done horrible things to others. You know what its like to watch someone die Muldoon I can see it in your stare, you watched them as they took their final breaths, you saw their soul leave their body, you saw the last unbearable wish to still be alive even though it was impossible. But your not going to tell me Muldoon, just like I am sure you have told no one, not even those who are close to you. If I had to guess I would say that the people in this place know nothing about you, and by your own hand no less."[/b] Kazlov watched Muldoon as his eye's never once wavered never once showed any other sign of emotion, he was a stone cold individual just like Kazlov even if he refused to admit it. Kazlov looked at the injured guard on the ground again, and then at Muldoon who even from a distance had the trigger on his tranquilized gun already half cocked back ready to fire at a moments notice. Turning slowly to show he had no intention to attack he faced his cell door and slowly walked into it, halfway in he spoke one more time with his back not turned to Muldoon. [b]"One day Muldoon there will be no door between us, no guards either, and on that day I will finally truly know why you have such cold merciless eye's. These men around you believe that I will never see freedom from these walls, but we both know that there is more to both of us then they think. I look forward to the day both you and me can have an actual conversation without the confinements of these stupid ignorant fools of guards. Soon Muldoon, very soon."[/b] With that Kazlov moved in the room and started walking towards the fall wall, he heard Muldoon and the other guards slowly inch forward as the hook in his chest did not pull to confirm that much. As he reached the wall he reached down and removed the hooks and let them drop to the ground with a metallic clink, they were retracted as the door closed behind him once again, he heard the lock click, and just like that it was over.[/color] [color=silver]Robert slowly lowered his gun and replaced it back in his equipment belt as the door was secured behind Kazlov, he had been right, Kazlov was waiting for a guard to be stupid enough to approach him. He was more then glad that he had been able to resolve this without further possible injury or loss of life at that. Robert approached the guard on the ground, putting his fingers to his neck there was a strong pulse, but the man was clearly shaken, Robert reached his arms forward as he lifted him with a strong heave and motioned for the other two guards to come take him. [b]"When he has been seen by the doctor and has been treated and is stable enough, I want him escorted to the security center immediately, I want to know how this incident occurred and I am going to get to the bottom of it. There is no excuse for has happened here this morning, get him out of here."[/b] As the guards escorted the man away Robert turned and started heading for the observation point where the security footage was, he need to know what the hell happened. An even more so now he had to fill out bloody paper work on the incident and he was not looking forward to such. As he turned back, the guard who had first subdued Kazlov was looking at him in an odd way, Robert moved his head slightly to the right as he looked back at him. As he thought about it, Kazlov had been right in a lot of ways, and now the worst part was these guards possibly knew it. Robert sighed as he turned back and head for the observation point, once again Kazlov managed to upset the natural order of things, but Robert was used to it by now, after all it was just another crazy day in a place for the crazy.[/color]