((**This post will be edited with Phoebas' dialogue and stuff. Wanted to get it up so people could make their posts started, so apologies to Phoebas.**)) He had scarcely finished his coffee when he noticed him. The man holding the sign was one very similar in appearance to the man that had handed Jamie the letter that had started this whole thing. Sharp suit. Sunglasses. Emotionless face. It wasn't the same guy, but it might as well have been, because not only did he look very similar, but he acted almost identically as well. Stood with the same posture. He looked the part, as did the man who had met with Jamie earlier. It amused Jamie, in a strange way, that these men looked exactly as what government men looked like in his head, yet they were so clearly opposed to the government. Jamie caught Hannah's attention and pointed at him. [color=CornflowerBlue]"That's the guy."[/color] he told her before getting out of his seat and approaching the man, a little hesitant, but having no desire to remain in this airport for much longer. The whole reason he and Hannah had gone to the cafe was because they didn't like people staring at them. Wherever they were going, it was probably less populated - and hopefully with more trustworthy people. [color=CornflowerBlue]"Excuse me,"[/color] Jamie said as he approached the man, who did not flinch. Jamie couldn't see for the man's sunglasses, but he guessed that the man had already been looking at him. This unnerved Jamie for a moment, but he continued nonetheless. [color=CornflowerBlue]"We're the 'Smith family'."[/color] He said with confidence. The man nodded slowly. [color=lightgreen]"Mr. Vaughn thanks you for accepting his invitation."[/color] [color=CornflowerBlue]"Mr. Vaughn?"[/color] Jamie asked, connecting the dots in his head that 'Mr. Vaughn' was most likely the 'WV' that had sent him his letter, but still seeking further information. [color=lightgreen]"Mr. Vaughn is the man who invited you here."[/color] [color=CornflowerBlue]"Who is he?"[/color] Jamie continued. [color=lightgreen]"Listen... this isn't a Q&A,"[/color] The man replied. His tone was no-nonsense. [color=lightgreen]"I'm just here to take you to Mr. Vaughn. Are you coming?[/color] Jamie waited for Hannah's approval before the two followed the man outside of the airport, where he took them to a helicopter, which Jamie took a seat on reluctantly. Part of him felt like this could be a ruse and the chopper could just be flying to some test facility, but his gut told him that they were going to safety. It was quite a while before they reached their destination - a fairly small island. The only building on it was a large mansion. This calmed any previous fears that Jamie had. The chopper landed on one of several helipads not far from the entrance of the building and Jamie climbed out of the passenger seat and observed the surroundings. The island was beautiful, exactly what he saw in his mind when he thought of a Caribbean island. The mansion ahead of him was very large and lavish, larger than any house he had been this close to. Outside of it were pools, chairs and tables. It looked like a hotel resort, not a home for one man. The suited man guided them in to the main hall of the mansion - a very large, open plan room that covered the majority of the ground floor, very modern in it's style. It was mostly a lounge area, but there was a kitchen at one of the far sides of the room and a dining table at the other. There were two staircases either side of the room, both leading up to a second floor. There were also doors that led to other rooms on the ground floor, but Jamie was told to remain in this room for now. [color=lightgreen]"Mr. Vaughn will see you soon. There are others that are coming to meet him, and he wishes to address you all at once. He apologises for the delay, but invites you to take a drink at your leisure,"[/color] the man nodded, directing Jamie's attention to a bar that was situated at the far side of the hall. [color=lightgreen]"He thanks you for your patience."[/color] [color=CornflowerBlue]"What is 'Mr. Vaughn' like?"[/color] Jamie asked the man, peering up at him after taking a seat on one of the many couches. [color=lightgreen]"I don't know Mr. Vaughn personally. I just do the delivery."[/color] He paused a moment and looked at his watch. [color=lightgreen]"Speaking of that, I have work to do."[/color] With that, he turned and left the room, leaving Hannah and Jamie to their own devices. ((**May edit in a conversation between Hannah and Jamie here**)) [s] [/s] Multiple suited men came and went, on each occasion brining a new group of teenagers, each group varying slightly in size. It was not the same man every time, as, naturally, it would take far too long for one person to go back and forth. The delay was probably only due to the fact that each group that arrived had taken planes at different times from different places in the US. In the end, they had all arrived on the same day. By the time the last one had arrived it was very late and the sun had long since fell. Before any of them could get in to a big introductory speech, one of the doors on the ground floor opened and a man emerged. He was wearing a sharp suit. He did not wear sunglasses - but he was just as hard to read as any of his employees. Emotionless. He held a glass of wine in his hand as he approached the teenagers, who fell silent as they saw him approach. [color=Lightcoral]"My name is Welsey,"[/color] he spoke up, catching the attention of those who weren't already looking. [color=Lightcoral]"Wesley Vaughn. I brought you to this island."[/color] He wasn't boasting, or looking for thanks, but looking to shed more light on a situation that was probably very confusing to everyone there. [color=Lightcoral]"Now, I know that none of you trust me, and I know I can't earn your trust in one night, so let me start by saying that I'm not holding you here against your will. You can leave. I have several helicopters outside, all with pilots at the ready - go ahead and tell one that you want to go home, and they'll take you back to the airport and give you money for a ticket. I won't stop you. But once you leave this place, you'll never be able to find it again, not only because it's hidden, but because you'll be dead. But if you stay... you can be a part of something. You all have gifts, and you have the chance to do something good with them. I want you all to think about that."[/color] [color=Lightcoral]"I'm sure you all have a lot of questions,"[/color] Wesley started. [color=Lightcoral]"And I do promise I will answer them all, to my best ability, in due time. Right now, I'll tell you the facts: If you hadn't decided to take that plane, you'd be within their grasp by now. The only thing that stops them from finding us here is, well..."[/color] He cocked his head, smirking a little. [color=Lightcoral]"Let's just say... if I don't want people to find my island. They won't find my island. You're safe here. But there are countless people out there, like you and I, who aren't safe. Who are being killed and tortured. There is a whole demographic of special people that will die out if someone doesn't stop the genocide."[/color] He stopped still for a moment, and his face became much more serious. There was momentary silence. Nobody moved. [color=Lightcoral]"Well,"[/color] he said suddenly, breaking the silence and probably startling one or two people in the process. [color=Lightcoral]"I'm sure you've all had a very [i]long[/i] couple of days,"[/color] Wesley spoke casually, yet loud enough for everyone to hear him. He took a sip of wine from the glass that danced in his hands. [color=Lightcoral]"We don't need to rush things. We've got a lot to talk about, but... I think you should settle in first. Make yourselves at home. There are plenty of rooms in my house. Most of them are vacant. Go ahead and take one each."[/color] He let a wry smile appear on his face. He was oddly calm. It's not like a bunch of superhumans arrived at his mansion every day. [color=Lightcoral]"Don't get [i]too[/i] comfy. We've got work to do, remember."[/color] He turned around and began to head for his room before pausing and turning back around for a moment. [color=Lightcoral]"Oh, and - by the way, you should probably get familiar with one another, if you aren't already."[/color] He turned once again and began to walk back towards his room. [color=Lightcoral]"You are family now, after all."[/color]