Guinevere stared at the deer, curious and amazed by how beautiful and precious it seemed. Hunting had never been her thing, but it seemed odd for her father to want it dead simply because it had eaten sunflowers from their garden. Guinevere didn't dwell in her thoughts very for an all too familiar voice soon called out to them. Varric. [color=007236]"And fair Guinevere, the radiant sun of my soul! After we rangle this slanderous sunflower scourge, there is a matter I must discuss with a lady of your acumen!"[/color] Varric said. Guinevere raised her eyebrow. Something to discuss with her? Perfect. She still hadn't been able to speak a particular chicken situation with him yet. [i][color=bc8dbf]I believe my sword is sharp enough too[/color][/i] Smirking, she glared at Varric and crossed her arms. Words could never describe his personality, not even Guinevere, who's known him forever, could fully define him. "Good day Varric- and Laciel! I'm unused to seeing you outside of the forge- but don't mind us. I wouldn't want to stop you and Guinevere from playing, Varric. And please- do play around Dunstans coop." Gareth looked fixedly at his daughter and his gaze showed that he knew, "you know- the coop that you wrecked yesterday. Dunstan hasn't said a word but I'd prefer if you both went and helped him fix it." Guinevere winced at the mention of the chicken coop. She assumed he didn't know anything when he didn't speak of it at dinner. Quickly apologizing to her father, Guinevere promised to fix the chicken coop right away. Scowling at Varric, she followed him as they made their way back to Dunstan. [color=007236]"Worry not, my angel, for we shall handle your mishap together. I shall soothe the angry Dunstan and bring him such cheer through song that he will not even be mad about the damages. And when you fix the coop itself, why, I will supervise like none have ever supervised before!"[/color] Guinevere elbowed Varric in the stomach, hard, probably enough to send him on his knees. [i][color=bc8dbf]He deserved it alright.[/color][/i] Varric paused, [color=007236]"And then we will discuss botany. For the flower of my heart seems to bloom for one of your beauty." [/color] Stepping a bit away from him, Guinevere continued walking. Varric's flirting was beginning to become old but some things still managed to creep her out. Romance was something that had Guinevere squealing in fear. Varric only meant to play and have fun, and she was well aware of that, but it was still flirting and she wasn't sure she'd ever get used to it. [color=bc8dbf]"Ah! I left my sword back at home. Why don't you get started fixing Dunstan's chicken coop while I go and fetch my sword? It'll only be a moment!"[/color] She said before sprinting back to the house, not even looking to see if Varric followed her or went to the chicken coop. Quickly muttering hello to her parents, Guinevere rushed into her bedroom, only to discover something she hadn't noticed before. Sitting on her pillow was a green bud that had yet to bloom. Guinevere let out a earsplitting shriek in fear. No. No. This wasn't happening. Her? No. All she could do was stare at the dream-killing flower as visions of going on adventures seemed to disappear.