[quote=@Behemoth542] [@SimplyJohn] Considering the fact that Bumblebee jumped off, I think it might be better to get a dodge chance instead of doubled [color=blue]defense[/color]. Maybe increase the chances with it? Base percentage + x%/current[color=blue]DEF[/color] sounds good to me. [/quote] Wouldn't '/current[color=blue]DEF[/color]' reduce the ability's effectiveness if I upgraded Defense? [indent]Base percentage + x%/current[color=blue]DEF[/color] if Base percentage = 10%, x = 50, Current DEF = 2 then 50% + (50)%/(2) = 50% + 25% = 75% if Current DEF = 3 then 50% + (50)%/(3) = 50% + 16.66% = 66.66%[/indent] It might be better to scale the effect directly with Defense instead, for instance: [indent]Base percentage + 10(current[color=blue]DEF[/color])% if Base percentage = 10%, Current DEF = 2 then 50% + 10(2)% = 50% + 20% = 70% if Current DEF = 3 then 50% + 10(3)% = 50% + 30% = 80%[/indent] The other problem is that if the ability is making her supersonic Bumblebee wouldn't be able to dodge very much, since she'd be forced to fly really fast in a straight line to avoid getting torn apart by turbulence, and so wouldn't be able to dodge an incoming attack. However her sheer speed would mean the majority of incoming attacks would cause less damage due to the atmospheric lensing from her intense speed, up until she broke the sound barrier and got the [i]Boom[/i].