The unity of Undasis shattered like glass the moment Ferghus touched the Orb. It was fitting, they guessed, that the Fire God would be the one to break the harmony of the God of Water. The Kraken couldn't help but wonder if Fate had planned it just so; both him and Invictus seemed to have cruel ideas of humor: seeing a perfect and clear-minded God of Water but then tearing it in two, allowing the most knowledgeable god- Arguis- to be ironically disinterested in the world around him, having a Life God (Escre) who is obviously too lacking in creativity to make any real life of his own. So many of the gods seemed like part of some horrible comedy. When the unity between of Undasis was split, there was a brief but frantic struggle between Woman and Kraken for dominance over the both the body and most of the mind. There was no bodily component to this battle- their physical manifestation simply stood immobile and paralyzed- but, rather, this war was waged in the spirit. Once again, Kraken found himself wondering what Escre would have seen as the two halves of a single, broken soul clashed for control. Undasis themselves did not fully understand what had happened, but they did understand that they were attacking and hurting eachother [b]somehow[/b]. After a few desperate moments, Kraken emerged as a victor. Undasis' body had [url=]transformed itself[/url] to match it's new master, becoming a fanged and tentacled creature of massive proportions. The Woman of the Waters was still perfectly alive and well, but she was forced to recede and leave control of the body to her more vicious counterpart. He was glad to finally be in power after that time as nothing but a voice in another's head. It felt wonderful, being able to move his [i]own[/i] appendages, see with his [i]own[/i] eyes. With these same eyes and those same limbs, he would crush and devour any who opposed him. He was Force, he was Depth, he was Kraken... But while he mused, the Orb ever levitated back towards it's dark creators. Undasis did not realize this until they felt a soft but unmistakable pull through the blue sting seeping out of their palm. Kraken's head suddenly turned to see the Orb rotating faster than a mortal mind could ever hope to comprehend. It speed up and up, faster and faster until his eyes begin to ache from gazing into it. Just before the spinning became too fast for even a god to understand, an mind-piercing screech seemed to originate out from the Orb and directly into Undasis' soul. It was painful but sickly sweet, it was as if they could feel the world coming into existence. They could see oceans, waves, sea-creatures...all the same things they saw before, when they touched the Orb All turned white, and the Sea God had another vision: [center]-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=[/center] [color=cyan] In their mind's eye they could both see the glorious dawn over the ocean. The morning sun's brilliant orange light flowed between the clouds and onto the sands of a ruby-colored beach, casting the whole evening a strongly golden shade. It was a serene, peaceful scene, especially alongside the growing sound of grey-blue water pushing for the shore, and then absorbing into the soft beach sand. Undasis -had either been aware enough to realize this- would have thought the vision would dive down into the everlasting blue of the ocean, but instead it shook and aimed itself upward, staring unflinchingly into the heavens above. They soared into the sky, and in this trance they flew on wings like a raven. They looked down at the earth below like a king on the highest throne. A deep but chilling voice came from the quickly setting sun itself: "You are become [b]division[/b], the self-enemy, the creator and the destroyer, The Woman and the Beast, the God of Waters who will be the God of Air" [/color] [center]-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=[/center] The Kraken awoke in a void far above a barren planet. From the looks of it, the God of the Sea had been in slumber a bit too long. It seemed the Arguis had already descended to the planet alone and begin raising a continent to survive the seas he must know are coming. Escre, the Great Spirit, was already busy at work planting some magical construct into the middle. Kraken would take some time to examine it, be he had to attend to Kraken would not allow him to defile this New World so easily. He could not stop other gods from implanting themselves upon the world, but he could make them remember who is the God of the Oceans. And, he might add, who would soon be the God of the Skies. Perhaps he had a flair for the dramatic, but Kraken was not about to just "teleport" down to the planet- where's the fun in that? - instead, he willed a sparkling blue glow to appear around him, and he came crashing down. As the planet's gravity took it's hold on him, Kraken suddenly increased to an immeasurable amount of weight and speed, and within half a moment he was falling for the surface of the New World at the five times the speed of light and the weight of a large sun. Miraculously, he had not grown in size. Naturally, this would reduce the New World into nothing but dust and asteroids. In fact, Kraken was considering doing just that. He thought if he hit it strong and fast enough to reduce it to nothing, he may scare Arguis away from ever attempting to use his "knowledge" on places in the general vicinity of Undasis. [color=f26522]"Hear me, Gods, and know that I am death to those who oppose my wishes"[/color] He mentally broadcasted this message to any and all flocking to the surface of the world like flies to waste. [color=00aeef]"Hear me, Gods, and know that I am peace to those who will work with me"[/color], it was the voice of the Woman of the Waters. Kraken should have known, that foolish girl had awoken! Doesn't she know that he's only doing what's best for her? The whole world could fear them, could [b]respect[/b] them, but she was determined to waste all their potential. [color=00aeef]Destroying their creations will only make them view us as an enemy. If we consign ourselves to that so early on, our fate is sealed. Please, brother, hear me.[/color] This message was only directed to Kraken -none could hear it but Undasis. [color=f26522]Fine, then. Prove to me your power. Stop us from destroying the world, and I will allow you to make your peace. But if you cannot stop me, then I will declare war on the weaklings who wait below us.[/color] Kraken was shocked to feel himself suddenly slowing and, to his even greater surprise, gradually grinding to a halt. He was had no reason to suspect by what resistance the Water Woman managed to put up, he had perhaps underestimated her power. He should be cautious not to do that in the future; she was, afterall, his twin. But that did not mean he would give in so easily. The Kraken may fail, but he will [b]never[/b] run. It was clear she had the upper hand when it came to controlling the speed, so he instead continued to increase his weight. If he could not force himself into the planet, he would use the planet's own gravity to do the job. He begin to enlarge himself. The surface of the New World sped towards Undasis once more. Only this time, Kraken was not moving. He had increased his weight and now his size to such massive proportions that he was drawing the planet towards [i]his[/i] massive gravity. Gods on the surface were starting to notice. [color=00aeef]I may be peaceful, but I am not weak.[/color] Undasis began to shrink and decrease in weight... This entire battle went on for several tiring hours, before the Kraken finally became too weak to maintain his effort. He started to slip into unconsciousness, but as he did so he fell once more for the planet. His mass had decreased enough now that he was no longer moving the planet, but he would still make a massive creator. Woman of the Waters had exerted all of her effort in the struggle against the evil twin. There was nothing she could do to stop it now. --- It is very fortunate that there was no life yet created. If there had been, the impact alone would have triggered a sudden mass extinction in which the fragile, mortal bones and brains of all creatures would have dissolved to nothing from the pressure. The world survived, but a massive crater the size of a small continent was left just to the right of Arguilla. As dust settled over the world, Kraken's unscathed body stood and looked upon the destruction he had caused. He smiled. He could not destroy the world, but the lesser gods who called themselves his "siblings" would think twice about second-guessing his willingness to wreak havoc. The dark blue glow that still hung around him transformed itself to water at his command, and begin to flood the earth with a never ending stream. Within a few moments the crater was full with the salt-water issuing forth from Undasis. Kraken laughed an insane, sadistic laugh. [color=f26522]Come, sister, let us quarrel no longer. You have won, we will craft this world in our image.[/color] The Woman did not respond verbally, but it was obvious she was in agreement. The water flooding from them grew three-fold in it's speed and strength, and Undasis began to left off the earth and into the skies. He opened his mouth and a river forced it's way out, he lifted his hands and rain sprinkled down. Every bit of water that touched the earth begin to breeding and multiplying like rodents, the more water there was the more there would be. It was not long before every inch of the world had been filled entirely, the only safe-haven from the endless flood being the lone continent of Arguis. To survey their glorious creation, they flew higher into the sky above. Or, rather, the void above. There was still nothing above the world but empty space. That must change, but Kraken was not the right one to do it. He was the embodiment of force, but air is gentle. [color=00aeef]Allow me, dear brother[/color] There was more than a hint of sarcasm in her voice, but she was true to her word. Kraken receded into their soul to rest, and the Woman of Water took his place. [color=00aeef]"Where to start, where to much to be done, so little time"[/color] She spoke mostly to herself (Kraken could hear, but was much to exhausted to respond). She started by gathering up the dust still settling on the earth and, now, in the waters. As it drew close to her, she begin to change it- rearranging it's very existence at a molecular level to better fit her purposes. Adding a few electrons here, taking a few protons here, and creating what she couldn't make from the already existing particles. It took time, patience, concentration. This did not come naturally to Undasis like water. Perhaps she would become the Goddess of Air one day, and this would be as easy as unleashing a flood on the world. She opened her mouth and exhaled a mighty breath, and oxygen filled the atmosphere. She waved her hand, as if to dismiss a servant, and the gust of wind it created surrounded the earth with nitrogen. Then, in her final act of creation for the time being, she exerted all her possible force into holding it within the planets gravitational pull. After this, she ascended out of the newly created atmosphere to be in the void. Looking to her left, right, behind, above, down, and in front, she located all asteroids within the solar system. Most of them were located in a belt on the other side of the bright, massive sun. She pulled these space-rocks to her with the utmost force, until they had reached just outside the planet- which was just now starting to look like a real, living world- and forced them together. Kraken has woken up a bit for this- considering how much force was needed, this was certainly his territory- and, together, Kraken and Woman crushed the asteroids into a massive, barren, highly irregular sphere in the sky. They then smoothed out the surface somewhat, added some dusty rocks, and called it a moon. And, after the work was done, she sunk down to the sea-floor to rest... Oh, but one more message needed to be sent to the other gods of the world: [color=00aeef]"You're welcome"[/color] [hider=Mighty Summary] 1 freepoint used to smash a crater into the earth 1 might used to create oceans 1 might to make an atmosphere 1 might to make a moon 2 might left over [/hider]