[img]http://www.spitfireauto.com/Portals/11/logo.png[/img] Name - Judah Marlowe Alias - Spitfire Age - 25 Powers - he can breathe/spit fire Weaknesses - average human weaknesses, not fire proof Attacks: Fire Blast - Judah pulls his scarf down for a quick blast of flame, Throw - Having wrestled as a youth in school Judah can grapple any normal human sized opponent to the ground or throw a small object Defenses: Dodge - Spitfire simply moves out of the way of an attack, Agility - The hero leaps/jumps out of the way or rolls [nothing too fancy] Appearance - see my stat card... Brief Bio - Judah's powers developed shortly after an attack on Central City, his hometown. Marlowe was your average guy who had one of a thousand different jobs in a car parts factory. One evening after receiving some bad news about his mother's passing in Metropolis he got a sick feeling in his stomach and threw up fire while burning his hands and forearms. The young metahuman couldn't even attend his mother's funeral with flames pouring out of his mouth every time it opened. It wasn't until after being approached by the Flash that Judah was looked over at STAR Labs, who furnished him with a scarf that allowed him to speak freely while absorbing/neutralizing the flames. While his hands weren't as burned and healed, his forearms still have scarring that he hides under longer sleeved clothing and the boxing tape when in costume. He chose to step in a time or two when the Flash was on the ropes while battling many of his Rogues and after a few months of training Judah's become a respected ally of the scarlet speedster. He was in Metropolis at his mother's grave when the boom tubes erupted and the forces of Apokolips came to Earth. Luckily he always has his scarf, and his costume is always in a backpack he carries everywhere. Notes - Heatwave [of the Flash's Rogues] has a jealousy over Spitfire's connection to fire and feels he isn't worthy to wield flames. ~KL~