Vitoria was startled when the girl standing next to the boy she had been speaking to suddenly burst into laughter. She said something as she was laughing, but Vitoria couldn't quite make out what before the boy spoke. [color=87CEFA]"Blame her if the guards find me."[/color] He was looking at the laughing girl, so that's who Vitoria assumed he ment, but he walked off and climbed into a wagon before she could ask what he meant by it. [color=EE82EE][i]If the guards find him? Does he think he'll get in trouble for being here for some reason?[/i][/color] The girl had managed to stop laughing and said something that pulled Vitoria from her thoughts. [color=EE82EE]"Sword-shaking hawks? Do you mean the guards? Why would they care about some chatting along the way, this is going to be a long journey."[/color] Vitoria smiled and continued. [color=EE82EE]"Besides, if they try to get me for anything I'll just tell them I'm doing my job, that's why I came over here in the first place. I'm genuinely worried about that boy's health. He didn't look too good, stumbling around like that."[/color] Vitoria was silent for a moment, wondering if she should go talk to the boy or stay and continue speaking to the girl. Deciding that the boy needed his rest more than a conversation with some one he didn't know, he had seemed very wary of her when she spoke to him, she stayed with the girl. [color=EE82EE]"I'm Vitoria by the way. Vitoria Briar. My family runs the Briar Clinic just outside of Arrvern."[/color] Vitoria smiled politely at the girl, only just now starting to worry that she might mind the company.