Alixanna made it halfway to the mayor's garden before she spied Varric Dawnleaf ramming himself against the side of a chicken coop. The girl paused and furrowed her brow, watching as the other teen continued to clamor against the structure. While she could not claim to be close with Varric, Alixanna was reasonably sure that he wasn't the kind of fellow to willingly spend his free time undulating against chicken coops. "Varric?" She called, but the boy in question did not reply. Alixanna was starting to get worried. "Hey, are you drunk or something?" She asked, reaching out and carefully laying her hand on his shoulder. Varric chose this moment to burst into flower petals. Alixanna jerked her hand back and made a noise that was an odd mixture of startled shout and awestruck giggle. It was no secret that Varric had a gift for earth magic, but the small healer had never seen it in action before. It was really quite lovely. Once her laughter died down, Alixanna brushed the stray petals from her hair and continued to make her way towards Mr. Hart's garden. When Alixanna finally rounded the corner and approached her destination, the young healer saw the mayor, the blacksmith's boy, and both the ranger and his son congregated amongst Gareth's flowers. "G'morning," she greeted them. "I can see you're all busy, so I won't keep you. I just wanted to see if Farrest had been able to find any yarr--." She was interrupted by a tremendously loud screech coming from the mayor's house. Alixanna gritted her teeth against the noise and covered her ears until it passed. "Was that Guinevere?" She asked, licking her lips anxiously and shooting a worried glance toward Gareth.