[url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/81778-codename-prometheus-a-super-human-rp/ooc]The OOC[/url] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/VZUPPwd.jpg?1[/img][/center] [i]An Earth much like our own, but very different at the same time. One where the cold war turned hot and devastated many nations in the following battles but an uneasy peace eventually emerged. A world where ancient civilizations escaped their fate of decay and thrived in the modern era. Where magic and gods compete with the advances of science in both military prowess and everyday life. A world where metahumans and super soldiers have forever changed the face of war, and robotics continue to change it even more. There are many problems in the world, so many that most don't notice the bigger problems beneath the surface, things that threaten to destroy all that makes the world worth fighting over. Since most couldn't be bothered with it, a group emerged to face down such threats by whatever means necessary, to protect humanity and the earth at any cost. [/i] This will be a super power based roleplay in an alternate Earth, one where world war 3 happened in the 80s and stopped at the discovery of seemingly hostile aliens. In the time since then the U.S. and the Soviet Union have been in an uneasy peace as they both prepare to repel an inevitable invasion. The world is similar to DC and marvel in that characters of magic origin like Zatanna and Thor exist alongside Iron Man type characters. The plot will be we play superhuman members of a multinational agency tasked with taking care of any alien presence currently on earth, the growing number of metahuman terror cells, agents of old gods, and other threats to humanity while the bulk of the worlds governments work on dealing with the future invasion. The roleplay will be a mix of military style missions and them responding to events either in the world or wherever they happen to be at (more traditional giant robot or monster attack etc)