This sounds like fun, and not too time demanding. I'd like to join in if that's not a problem. [b]Name:[/b] David Pierce [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Skills:[/b] [i]Quick Draw[/i] - Allows Pierce to perform a bonus attack action on his turn. Triggering this skill or using the bonus attack does not consume Pierce's action. [color=fff200]Energy Cost: 5[/color] [b]Traits:[/b] Nil [b]Stats:[/b] [color=39b54a]15[/color] / [color=0054a6]2[/color] / [color=ed1c24]5[/color] [b]Level:[/b] Level 1, 0/50 XP [b]Last modification:[/b] Sheet created - 7/6/15 First skill changed from Assassinate to Quick Draw - 8/6/15 Edited Quick Draw from a reaction to a bonus attack - 8/6/15 What do you think? Another skill I'm considering is: [i]Quick Draw[/i] - Allows the user to perform an additional attack action in the same turn as another action. [color=fff200]Energy Cost: 5[/color] What do you think of them? Have I got the energy costs balanced? Should I use that second skill as my first? Also, I'm guessing that using skills takes up an action. [hider=Skills for later] [i]Assassinate[/i] - Performs an attack action on a target, but ignores their defense stat, instead doing damage as if they had zero defense. [color=fff200]Energy Cost: 7[/color] [/hider]