[quote=@BBeast] [b]Skills:[/b] [i]Assassinate[/i] - Performs an attack action on a target, but ignores their defense stat, instead doing damage as if they had zero defense. [color=fff200]Energy Cost: 7[/color] [/quote] [i]Assassinate[/i] sounds like a good balanced skill, but it may be a little overpriced given that it only does basic damage on the first, fifth, twelfth and nineteen rounds. [@Behemoth542] Quite an important question which I don't think has been raised yet: Does Energy and Health get replenished between battles, or will we have to fight on with the same levels we finished the previous fight with when facing a new opponent? Similarly, do abilities and effects lasting more than one round carry over to the new battle? If an enemy struck a character with an ability which would stun them for four rounds just before being killed, would it be one round against the dead enemy, one round for the post-battle upgrades and then two rounds at the beginning of the next fight before the character recovered.