[quote=@Impaqt] [color=7bcdc8]A lot of these guys have given some good information on this subject, I think. I'll just say this: In an age where the smartphone exist, it is very possible for people to be online and yet busy. For example, I don't always get the time to post, but I try to check in daily for PMs and such, at least. Even often times while I'm at work in between jobs, cause my job involves a lot of traveling between places. Phones are great for keeping connected and socializing, but not so much for posting in a role play. And that's just one possible scenario. There really could be endless possibilities and scenarios that could involve a person being online and yet inactive. That's one thing I don't think you can really judge people on, based on the simple fact that you really just don't know. Specially, as I've previously stated, in this day and age where we as humans are so connected and yet disconnected.[/color] [/quote] Although I don't have quite the situation you describe, I do have the habit of leaving RPG open in another tab while doing completely different things demanding my attention, so it is possible I can be "online", yet not, as you describe :)