[@KoL] & [@Ariamis] Collab It looked like the girl wasn't hurt after all, and Sayaka sighed in relief: she wouldn't have liked to have something like that happen before she even entered through the gates. She seemed to be embarrassed about it, and Sayaka couldn't blame her: it was a bit funny now that she knew nobody got hurt. She called the boy a 'dumb fox', which confused her: she didn't look like one, but she guessed it was an endearing term or something similar for the boy. Her voice was familiar to her, and she guessed that it was Eris Reinhardt, her employer from the call in the morning. Her guess was right when she introduced herself as such, with the same poise and elegance while on the phone. She extended a hand to her, and Sayaka hesitantly shook it. It took a few seconds for her to respond to her request. She heard the sound of a violin in the distance, and Sayaka thought how artistic and high-class the school seemed to be, and felt a little out of place. She wasn't very special, so she wondered if she could fit in with artists and magicians. [color=fdc68a]"I'm Sayaka Fujisaki, miss Reinhardt. I called you this morning about the job request."[/color] She thought it would have been redundant to mention how they now met here at Ason High as she agreed to. Reinhardt seemed to be really polite and well-behaving, but there was something to her that made her uncomfortable for some unknown reason. She wasn't the only one, either: Usami spun around in her backpack, obviously wanting to jump out of there and see who Sayaka was talking to, but Sayaka shook her shoulders and hushed to keep her quiet. [color=fdc68a]"Sorry about that, my summon is a bit lively,"[/color] she added when she realized she was getting strange looks, and smiled. Eris answered: [color=9932cc]"Fate works in the strangest of the ways, sometimes. It's a pleasure meeting my newest maid right in front of our school gates. I'm glad we've met, Sayaka Fujisaki. Also, don't worry about your summon, mine is much more troublesome for sure,"[/color] Eris said pointing to Eden, before continuing, [color=9932cc]"he might not look like it, but he's a fox cursed to take a human shape. Please, excuse any of his misbehaving."[/color] Then, Eris turned to the gate and said, [color=9932cc]"We should get going then, Sayaka and you too, dumb fox, or else we will be late."[/color] [color=fdc68a]"Okay then, miss Reinhardt,"[/color] Sayaka said, and followed after her into the school. It may have been weird for an outsider to see a high schooler talk to another like that, but Eris was obviously no common high schooler; even her walking was carefully thought and flowing, something Sayaka has never given much attention to. Besides, she didn't want to risk offending her by calling her by her first name, and lose her job in the process, so she continued being formal with her. She now got an explanation for the boy's nickname, weird as it was, and didn't question it any further; she knew summons took various shapes and forms, and not a single one was identical. She did wonder how powerful her summon's curse was, being able to completely make it pass off as human like that. She's never heard of curses, or at least curses that affect summons. Not that it mattered; she would learn all she needed about summoning here. [color=fff200]"Well, Sayaka? Was that a new fwiend you met?"[/color] Usami whispered from her backpack. [color=fff200]"You seemed to know hew."[/color] [color=fdc68a]"Um, not exactly,"[/color] Sayaka answered, also in a whisper. [color=fdc68a]"I'll expain to you later."[/color]