Meeka lifted her head when she head the sound of a violin in the distance. It was calm, soothing, and peaceful, everything that wasn't inside Meeka's poor head. She shook herself out of the state of sadness she had been wallowing in and walked out the door, locking it behind her. She jumped off the second floor on the ground and continued walking without missing a beat. Her hood was up, she didn't want others to see her ears or tail. Meeka started to get depressed again, but the sound of the music helped her continue on towards the school gates where she saw a boy playing a violin and an innocent girl happily listening to him play. She smiled slightly as she watched the boy dance as he played. At least, that's what it looked like. As she crossed the threshold of the gate out of school grounds, she also noticed a couple fall over as the girl got out of the car. Something seemed familiar about that girl, but Meeka just couldn't remember. Her memory in fact, was very well... disorganized. The transformation process had many side-effects that the scientists didn't know would happen. (Seeing as Meeka was a scientific breakthrough, being the first person to become a half-summon through science) One of those was the mixture of memories of her's and her summon's, Rune. Meeka would try to think back to a time earlier in her life, and while she would remember some, it would be replaced the feeling of cold and loneliness. It was as if she was looking directly at the plane of Ice. She just stood there at the entrance of the gate taking in the scene. They all looked so happy. The one girl and her boyfriend by the car, another girl trying to help her up, and that boy and his violin and a strange girl next to him. The girl admiring the violin player stood out to Meeka the most, because her aura was a very bright white, and there wasn't a single speck of black in it at all, certainly there were other colors as well, but white was the most dominant. Meeka could tell that the girl wasn't human but most likely a summon. Probably from the plane of light seeing how bright her aura was. She then looked at the boy playing the violin, his aura was very interesting. It was a myriad of colors, ranging from white to green, orange to black, they were everywhere. Meeka didn't really understand how to read aura's entirely, but she could tell that the boy would be a wild card.[@Apollosarcher] She then looked at the young couple in front of the car, the girl being almost completely covered in black, she had a lot more light inside that black than most people at that state did. As a matter of fact that aura in particular stood out to Meeka. She knew that girl, everyone's aura was different, and that one was one she remembered well. Why then couldn't she remember? She thought back to last year, but as she was about to remember, it was replaced by an icy scene of Rune's home. Meeka sighed in aggravation and just sat there in front of the gate staring at everyone. [@KoL] To anyone looking at Meeka, what they would see was some un-moving hooded figure in the distance staring at them. Her face hidden by the hood.