[IMG]http://i61.tinypic.com/2qvxv14.jpg[/IMG] Size: 5'5" 120 pounds Physical Shape: She is on the thin side with enough muscle to sustain herself through quite a bit of physical activity. Though fit, she is in no way very strong. Her small frame and physical ability allows her to be a very fast and agile individual. Name: Emily Vica Age: 20 Personality: Emily is an intelligent individual who tends to stop and think before doing. She knows how to assess a situation and think of the right solution in an efficient manner. Despite this, she has little patience for irritating people and can have quite the temper sometimes. That being said she can be sarcastic at times. She is not afraid to put up an argument if she feels it is necessary. Emily is quite brave and will put herself into combat if she realizes that is necessary especially for someone she cares about. However, as mentioned, she's very analytical and if she feels it will benefit her or others to avoid a situation at hand, she will say and do so. She is caring for those she values but will not extend mercy to strangers often and can actually be a bit cheerful around certain people such as her brother. Emily will try her hardest to act happy and be positive in order to cheer the people around her up. Occupation: Freshman in college studying pre-med, volunteered in hospital and worked half-time at Starbucks. Equipment: Emily is always wearing a brown leather jacket over a tank top with some dark green cargo pants that are tucked into a pair of black combat boots. Her jacket has an array of pockets that allow for her to store other small items. She also wears a set of black gloves. She wears a small gold necklace with a heart locket that opens to reveal a picture of her family. Inventory: Emily has the following items with her in a light-weight dark-colored backpack: - A refillable water can - roll of plastic - very small radio - small flashlight - 4 small cans of food, a pack of crackers and some nuts - bottle of deodorant, half-empty toothpaste, cheap toothbrush, small hairbrush - old wallet with identification inside - can opener - a blanket - a small diary that's falling apart and a pen that looks like it was chewed up by a dog - 3 sets of clean underwear and socks Weapons: - bow and a quiver of arrows that she had used during high school - pistol with 2 magazines, tends to use bow Background: Emily was born into a low-middle class family. They weren't starving on the streets but they weren't well off either. From a young age, she worked hard with the help of her parents' pressuring to do well in school so that she could hopefully give her own kids a better life when she was older. She aspired to be a doctor so she could be helpful to many and have enough money to not have to worry like her parents had to. She took up an interest in archery which she got good enough to participate in competitions to make herself more well-rounded. The negative aspect of this is that she didn't get to have many friends in high school. She rejected most invitations to go out and rejected anyone who asked her on dates. When Emily graduated high school, she regretted this deeply. All her high school memories consisted of studying in her bedroom and trying to join as many stupid pointless clubs as she could to make her high school resume look better. She made the decision to ease up a bit in college and try to enjoy life more. Her parents had passed away before graduation in a tragic car accident and there was no one but her brother Axel to congratulate her. With the depression that followed her parents death, she knew she really had to try to get out there and find the joy in life. In her freshman year of college, she had really started to enjoy herself and had made quite a number of friends. Not only that but she was managing to do great in school. That's when the virus outbreak happened and suddenly life wasn't so great anymore. Her new friends died off pretty early on and she ended up leaving to meet up with her brother to try to survive with him. Emily's way of coping has been to focus on the present and ignoring the past as much as she could. All her hard work in life had amounted to nothing and she has nothing but anger for anything having to do with the past.