Name: Achilles Hobbs Age: 47 Gender: Male Appearance: [img][/img] Home: Northern Virginia Skills: Guns Repair Survival Melee Background: A semi-local drifter. Achilles' parents were raiders, and worse, they were well read raiders. They thought they were better than most people out there, less ignorant. But they were just as violent. Achilles grew up as part of a wave of children named from characters from various ancient epics. Growing up was bloody and even the children followed the rule of survival of the fittest. Achilles was somewhere in the middle of the food chain, but he held up among the bigger and stronger children by being more resilient than most. When he was a teenager he was involved in raids, and that was how he was separated from his tribe. They ambushed the wrong caravan, and lost the fight. Achilles survived, as he always did, but was left to die in the waste. He was picked up by the next passing caravan, who didn't realize who he was. He never said, but took the kindness and has been living his life paying it forward since then. He wanders around, doing odd jobs, usually wet work. He tries to work for "good guys" but sometimes it's hard to tell. Equipment: The clothes on his back, a 44 revolver and a lever action rifle. A canteen for water, a utility knife. Other: