Spike slowly took his steps forward, as his eyes were on his surroundings. As he glanced around he noticed a group at the tracks, and just a few meters before the tracks he noticed a guy with a few dragons. Easy to guess his word... As Spike glanced at the schoolgrounds, he quickly made his choice of going to the cantina. There would be food, drinks and even enough room to defend himself if he had to. As Spike looked at his thumb, he noticed the wound had already healed itself, almost like the blood kept inside so that his body could heal what had been damaged. As he made his way to the cantina, he quickly made up his mind. It wasn't that smart at all... He could get surrounded easily and who knew what could happen! He quickly made up his mind and changed his plan towards the pool. With a quick steps, he made his way towards the pool. As he made his way there, he quickly started to notice bodies being teared apart, they had to be students who had applied here for a future, but instead found their ending. He didn't gave a second thought about it, and looked around for a shovel. He couldn't let them lay here like this. They were humanbeings aswell. As he found one, Spike immedialty began to dig, although the blood that was around his arm now was liqued again and made asure he would remain safe. As he slowly began digging 4 graves for the bodies, he dumped them in it as he had finished them. Although, before closing the holes, he sucked out all their blood to be used for his own battles. Both arms were completely surrounded with blood, he kept it hardened so that he could easily move but still had his weapon ready when needed. He then began to cover the graves with dirt again, still keeping his eyes on his surrounding.