Well I just posted my dude(s). I'm pretty much going full 'glass cannon'/'minion master'. I got about 450 drones or so, got some generic impact/harassing drones, some sensor-screwy ones, and a few 'flying shield' types. That sounds pretty smart, right? The ships' main (and only 'real' guns) are a series of eight high-energy lasers, so it's basically a sniper ship in that regard. I think it's fast enough at 1.5G max, using the big orion drive. I mentioned it being 'specially made to reduce collateral damage' since I don't wanna accidentally nuke anyone else. So y'know, I think in combat I'll just hide behind the most armored ship and take potshots at the biggest enemy ship. Of course, also send all the drones I have to swarm the shit out of the enemy. Or maybe just lay back at maximum range and nuke everything. I think when we get upgrades and stuff I'm going to add actual antimatter nukes. That'd fit in pretty well with the setup, right? Probably add even more laser turrets and more drone hangars too. And upgrade the engines. Well anyway yeah, I'm pretty much ready myself. Edit; And WOW looking at everyone elses' ships mine's a complete piece of shit, and I look like a total scrub. Well, sorry, heheheh..