[@Genni],[@BCTheEntity], I think I'll save Assassinate for a later level. It's not too much use near the start of the game, although will be potent later on. [quote=@SimplyJohn] I think it's good overall but the [i]Quick Draw[/i] ability would be worthless since you'd have to spend your turn activating the ability in order to gain an extra attack in the same turn, rather than simply attacking without spending any Energy. Perhaps change it to something like: [i]Quick Draw:[/i] [color=fff200]Cost 5;[/color] Reaction, when an enemy attacks David he may perform a counterattack before resolving any incoming damage or effects. [/quote] I'm sure I could rephrase Quick Draw in such a way so as to make it work properly as a bonus attack. Although, your suggestion is also a good one. I think I might take that one. "Quick Draw - Used as a reaction when Pierce is attacked or targeted by an ability. Pierce launches a counterattack against the attacker before any damage or effects on Pierce take place. Energy Cost: 5" I have other skills in the works which I have been thinking about. Not as urgent as my first skill, but I may as well put them out in the open and they might be balanced by the time I actually need them. [hider=Skills for Later] In no particular order [list] [*][i]Suppressive Fire[/i] - The target is barraged by gunfire and forced to take cover or evasive action. On their next turn the target must either forgo using their action(s) or take damage as if they had been attacked by Pierce. [color=fff200]Energy Cost: 4[/color] [*][i]Reload[/i] - Pierce takes a few moments to reload and restock. For 3 turns Pierce has +3 energy regeneration, -1 defense and can not attack or use other abilities. [color=fff200]Energy Cost: Free[/color] [*][i]Critical Hit[/i] - Pierce attacks a target, using double his current attack stat. [color=fff200]Energy Cost: 8[/color] [*][i]Crippling Blow[/i] - Pierce attacks the target, and on a hit the target takes normal damage as well as a -2 penalty to either attack or defence (Pierce's choice). This penalty lasts until the target receives some form of healing. [color=fff200]Energy Cost: 8[/color] [*][i]Bullet-time[/i] - Used as a reaction when Pierce is targeted by an attack. Pierce evades all damage from that attack. [color=fff200]Energy Cost: 4[/color] [*][i]Disarm[/i] - The target can not use any attacks on their next turn. [color=fff200]Energy Cost: 3[/color] [/list] And a couple of traits I've thought up. [list] [*][i]Extended Clip[/i] - +5 to maximum energy [*][i]Keen Aim[/i] - Pierce's attacks ignore any dodging or evasion abilities. ((this one may cost a few skill points)) [/list] [/hider] On using skill points to unlock skills and traits, how much do they cost? Is it 1 point for all? Will stronger abilities/traits require extra skill points as deemed appropriate?