[img]http://i1062.photobucket.com/albums/t486/isthistaken1/Lydia-Nguyen.png[/img] Lydia sat still as best she could. Even while Mr. Vaughn was talking she didn't ever seem to give him her full attention. It wasn't something she was trying to do purposely, she just couldn't keep her mind on a single thing at once. When he mentioned leaving she was pondering how beautiful this place was. While he mentioned the island not being able to be found she was wondering how someone could hide an island when there were satellite images not adays. Yes quite a lot of thinking on the part of the young electrokinetic girl. When their benefactor began to leave she turned back again and listened to him mention that they were family now. Poor choice of wording perhaps as it struck home and she dropped her head against the table rather suddenly. Not bothering to sit back up she rolled her gaze back up where her chin was still on the table. Glancing around at all the faces she stopped at Fiona, the only other person she knew at this point. Letting things sit for a moment she finally spoke where the group could hear her. "[color=lightslategray]I don't like him.[/color]" Short but to the point. Fed up with sitting the chair Lydia was sitting in was scooted back and the girl was on her feet. walking off she held her hands at her sides, tapping rhythmically with her fingers. Such things helped her concentrate. Though others might find it odd behavior she didn't much mind since no one knew what she was going through.