[@BBeast] Let's see if I get your definition of "Reaction" properly: 1. Enemy targets Pierce 2. Pierce's reaction triggers 3. Pierce's reaction takes effect 4. Enemy's action takes effect. If that's the correct order of events, then I have a problem regarding on [b]how[/b] it activates. The way it seems to be, the skill acts by itself, so it should be a trait; a passive ability. One that consumes [color=yellow]energy[/color] whenever it activates. So, here are my solutions: [list] [*] Leave it like that, but as a trait that you can later get. [*] Turn it into something that, when activated, gives you a temporary buff that will allow you to react to certain conditions.[/list] On the account of skill points, I was planning on it to vary depending on how strong the skill/trait is. Upgrades would also be possible, normally consting another skill point(s). [hr] [@SimplyJohn] If your problem is with the turbulence and the other things, then there are many other things to have in account (like inertia, if she goes supersonic she would need to stop somewhere to go back to normal, and depending on how strong that brake is, she would either go too far away from the place, or receive body damage due to a sudden reduction). However, there's the thing this isn't a very realistic setting; having in mind that the game combines Sci-Fi and Fantasy elements, Bumblebee's body could have been modified to sustain the turbulence, either before the current time in-game, or by the hands of BattleCorp™'s scientists and surgeons. [hr] [@Genni] Unless otherwise stated [b]in the game[/b], your [color=green]health[/color] and [color=yellow]energy[/color] replenishes. Buffs and debuffs also dissapear. As an alternative, I was thinking to have a turn or two without an enemy instead. In that time, they would have special actions (rest, chat, examine, etc) that would normally not be avialable in a fight.