Being frozen was no fun, really. but it ended, and not a moment to soon. The door slammed, icy wind needling at Fate's stiff body. Only it wasn't stiff any more, just sluggish, the second long side effect of being paralyzed. Her scream finally pushed itself out of her mouth, dying instantly into a guttural, husky growl. [b]"EVERYONE OUT! Leave your money on the tables and get out of my establishment! Take your injured with you, I --"[/b] [color=00a99d]"Tiisss"[/color] She released a breath of short sharp air from between her teeth in disappointment tainted with disgust as she struggled for control with the wild bloodthirsty beast that lurked inside. As such she missed what had made Busker stop yelling, but after a few more precious seconds she had snatched the majority of control of her now fully transformed state, in time to see a set of overdressed ………… humanoids occupying the door, although not for long, as they split up, each heading towards someone that had piqued their interest. There was something awfully familiar about the spotless figures, a rumor or legend perhaps, as Fate was fairly sure she would know if she had seen this lot before. Her sane side was pondering, trying to work out where she might have herd of something like this, while her psycho sliver was attempting to wrest control and attack them. In any other circumstance it might have been an odd, almost funny sight; a nearly-seven-foot werewolf frozen like a fearsome statue, pondering rather than pillaging. But it was not another circumstance, and really? there was so much odd with this one, a curious werewolf didn't really make much of a difference. Fate didn't really notice the man who had started all the trouble nosing around the strangers, so distracted she was, but when a challenge cut through the fog she glanced up, her eyes, slowly draining of their yellow, both the one she used to see and the scarred mess of one that was normally hidden under her eye-patch. Her hammers swinging softly by her sides, their weight more like that of paper to her than the large metal objects they really were. [color=00a99d]She wasn't really sure what she wanted to do…… [i]No she did, she wanted to rip them apart, it didn't really matter who[/i]……… she had thought she was attempting [b]Not[/b] to kill off random strangers, ……… [i]But hunting each month really wasn't enough, she never got to play[/i]…… One should never play with her food…………………… [i]Hypocrite.[/i][/color] Oh what the hell, no matter how much she argued against it, she really did enjoy playing with dinner, so she might as well, and no she wasn't referring to building castles with mashed potatoes in moats of stew. Lunging at one of the newcomers from behind, the same one that the bard was attacking, as it was the closest moving thing she could see, Fate pulled her arms wide, yanking them together so as to crush the figures head, caught as it might be, between Hell and (a) Hard-place.