[img]http://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/fallenlondon/images/1/11/Wallpaper_lodgings.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20130402122609[/img] The year is 1890, and London sits below the surface of the world, nestled among terrors and insanities in the subterranean cavern known as the Neath. The city was stolen by bats in the year 1862, and was pulled beneath the surface for reasons unknown to the rest of the surface world. Time continued its inexorable march, and once tentative communication was established with the Fallen City a decade and a half ago, the Surface has come to know the Neath through bits and pieces; fragments of tales and memories and missives to those of us left behind beneath the sun. Stories about a malicious Bazaar and its hooded accomplices. About Hell and Devils and their tastes in fashion and Jazz. Of Living Icebergs, faceless murderers and men with squids for heads. Of how death is difficult to come by, and how the echoes on the Underzee drive the bravest Zailors mad. Of Names and Candles and Mirrors and Knives and Brass and Salt and Judgement. Enter our protoagonists, a small group, only recently come together, on a boat down the Cumean Canal, each having received a letter summoning them to the alien world beneath the surface, each letter unique, each promising one's Heart's Desire, and each sent by the same person: [i]The Debonair Pianist[/i] So, the game is one of mystery, madness and longing. No players have ever been to the Neath, and have heard almost nothing about it. Communication to the surface is difficult, and those from the depths that emerge in the Sun's light usually are consumed in flames. The setting of Fallen London is a property of a shitty browser game and an excellent boat roguelike, but this particular RP is aimed directly at those who have never experienced either, and requires nor permits in character foreknowledge. Each character is summoned for their own reasons, their only uniting quality their new contact, the Pianist. As much as I want to absolutely fill this post with tantalizing secrets, I fear it would ruin all the surprises that are nestled within the Neath. Anyone interested?