Name: Piper Duchamp Pim (Pip, Pimmy) Race: Half-Dwarf Human. Age: 22 years young. Gender: Female Appearance: Piper has a curly mane of strawberry blonde hair, pinkish skin, bright blue eyes, and softer, rounder features. Short and thickly-built, her limbs are doughy and most of her fat settles in her hips. She's missing a canine and a molar, freckles spot her face, and a layer of grime and salt seems to consistently coat the girl's body and clothing. [url=]Pictures[/url]! The topmost image is most reminiscent. Clothing/Armor: Piper is a peasant, so nicer, cleaner, or newer clothes are rare for the girl. Usually, Piper insists on a pair of boots and trousers with large pockets (each could comfortably fit a pair of brass knuckles. Her shirt is threadbare and barely hangs off her shoulders, most likely originally made for a man. A satchel bag often hangs at her hip, with enough room to hold a baby if need be. Piper's typical dress is in muted colors--shades of brown and gray that were likely once white and yellow. Weapons: The only weapon Piper carries on her is a tarnished set of brass knuckles, which she usually stores in one of her pockets. Alignment: Chaotic Neutral Skills/Abilities: - Pickpocket: Piper is a skilled pickpocket. A middle sibling in a medium-sized, impoverished family, from a young age the girl followed in her elder sister's footsteps and took on a life of minor crimes. She's relatively comfortable with slight-of-hand techniques and pays close attention to people and where they put their valuables. Finally, she has very special tactics to conceal smaller loot such as rings and coins. She can retrieve them a few days later. - Boat-Repair: With a family business in boat-repair, Piper has a better understanding of how to repair boats than most. That said, she was never exceptional at her family trade, preferring to stay back and lie in the sun instead. Magic: N/A Backstory: Piper's life began as the middle child to Dagmar Pim and Noah Duchamp, a dwarf and a sailor joined in a bizarre and holy matrimony. The first person she took on after was her elder sister, Rhine. The two girls made a connection the instant Pip was able to speak, and together they were known to get in a plethora of harebrained schemes. While Dagmar tended to the youngest child (born just a few years after Pimmy) and Noah adamantly taught the girls everything he knew about boats, Rhine would lead her sister around town, honing skills that would eventually come to save Piper's sorry hide. Growing up, Rhine and Piper barely worked a day in their lives. The two of them were wont to sneak out before a day's work and prattle their way about markets, swiping products off market stalls, nicking coin off unfortunate passers by, and scamming the daft when convenience struck. Minor misfortune came when Noah insisted Rhine take a more active hand in the family business. Before the night was over, Rhine was gone, and Piper was next in line to take on the trade. For a few years, Piper worked with her father and little sister, Vee, to tend to broken sails that funded their family. When Vee was old enough to no longer need her help, Pip sank back into her old habits. The family turned a blind eye to the bits of extra food and coin that appeared in their house. Piper had become comfortable with numerous ways to swipe spare change and product. She’d use clever distractions to slip her hands where they didn’t belong, wade through bustling crowds a little weightier than before, and be the little hand that snagged small merchandise off busy market stalls. Anything that could fit in a closed fist could fit in her mouth and her throat. She’d swallow it and retrieve it a few days later. Tension was high around the time the world seemed to unravel. Life at home was becoming unbearable. Piper couldn’t take the work when the family was at each other’s throats, finding any excuse to get out. A badly marred sailboat took port and the sailors dispersed. By the time night fell, Piper had managed to pickpocket two of them. She followed her third unfortunate victim into a tavern, identifying him by the beads in his hair. She started by overwhelming him. Her speech was rapid and slurred, and her gestures were broad. She started with a drink from the estranged sailor, eyeing where he kept his coin. By the second drink, she still hadn’t taken from him. It wasn’t until they had loosened up considerably did she forget the initial goal. She agreed to meet him the following night. No longer did money or bread appear in the Pim household, instead going to the pair’s drunken evenings. For a couple weeks, Piper’s days consisted of waking up midday, stealing enough coin, and blowing it on ale late into the night. When disappointment struck Joey in the form of a vanished ship, Piper offered her condolences and services. When criminals cooperate, it forms a strange sort of bond--the acceptance that the future may contain dark cells and missing hands becomes diminished by the confidence that someone will always bail the other out. Together, Pip and Joey made ends meet. Incoming and outgoing ships funded Piper’s family and their harebrained schemes, strangely reminiscent of Rhine, fueled their drinking and tavern room. When Piper was too tired to go home, she spent the nights with him, forcing him to sleep on the floor while she took up the bed. Eventually, she stopped returning home, and Piper’s family came to accept that she was no longer a Pim. Homeless, jobless, and hapless, Piper and Joey are free as birds and happy as clams. Piper lives with little care in the world and totes Joey around on her hedonistic whims. Together, they eagerly go day by day, forgetting the past and barely considering the future.