[b]W.I.P[/b] - I will tweak quite a bit of the origin though I used quite a few of the power descriptions from the Wikia as they describe them better than I can. I have toned down several things however, and going to play a lot on the psychological aspect. If anything right now screams "Lolnope" now tell me and I'll change it now. [img]http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/marvelcomicsfanon/images/5/5f/Bruce_controlling_the_Hulk.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20131209200604[/img] [b] Player Name:[/b] Sep [b] Character You Wish To Play:[/b]Robert "Bruce" Banner / Hulk [b] Moral Alignment:[/b] Bruce Banner - Heroic, he holds to strong Heroic Ideals. Hulk - WTL. He isn't a hero he just wants to be left alone. [b] Affiliation:[/b] None, on the Run. Eventually S.H.I.E.L.D / Avengers [b] Character Origin & Backstory:[/b] [hider=Bruce Banner] Bruce (The Robert often being forgotten) was always an intellectual child. With a scientist father and a stay at home mother he had the capability for a regular childhood. However even then he was being set up with an alter Ego. His father was often abusive, memories that he would often repress and while that in itself isn't extraordinary it is what his Father was doing to him behind the scenes that was what created the Hulk. His father a brilliant science in the field of radiation was often exposed to it in his daily life. Shielding was inadequate and without knowing he would become irradiated, that radiation he would pass onto everything around him. However these doses were not enough to be of concern. It was when S.H.I.E.L.D used his father to study an strange crystal that killed all those who came in contact with it. They felt that they could use it to become the next major weapon, however before they could perform any tests Bruces dad mysteriously disappeared with a copy of the material. Despite the man hunts he has never been seen since, and all that remained was the grave of his Wife and his now parent-less Son. He went on to study, without knowing it becoming a child prodigy of his father. Years later he would go on to become the lead scientist at the very base his dad had once worked at, on the very same material that his dad worked on. Finally making a bomb it was ready for testing, however as luck would have it the science was not right. The yield far greater than to be expected the bomb blew up, and the blast radius extended to the facility where they were monitoring the test. Nobody is really sure why, be it through some bioligical freak miracle or something deeper Banner survived the explosion, waking up miles away with no recollection what happened.[/hider] [hider=The Hulk] Born on the day of the accident the Hulk and Banner have had a very strenuous relationship, to say the least. After being blamed for the explosion, due to the fact he survived, that claimed a military base Banner has been hunted. On the first occasion where the police caught him he is seen on Camera transforming into the Hulk and tearing the police vehicles to shreds, without killing anyone. They now believe they have the possibility of an even better weapon on their hands. Though Banner and Hulk have other problems. Hulk sees Banner as puny, and just wants to be left alone. From the world, even from Banner. Despite the rage within him he often seems to be more at peace with most animals than with people... for whatever reason. Yet at the same time him and Banner are connected and to be left alone he cannot exist all the time so he often allows the transformation to occur only when Banner needs the Hulk to survive. Banner himself just wants to clear his name, and fears what the military could do with a power such as the Hulk. Having brief recollections of some of the feats, and seeing on the news, what he can do. He also wants to know what kind of relationship truly exists between the two of them. It is an uneasy alliance, the balance of which is often tipped one way or another however with more and more heroes emerging it is time for the Hulk to find his place in the world, or leave it.[/hider] [b] Powers and Abilities:[/b] [hider=Bruce Banner] [i]Super Genius-Level Intellect: [/i]Doctor Bruce Banner is a super-genius in nuclear physics, possessing a mind so brilliant that it cannot be measured by any known intelligence test. Banner is regarded by Tony Stark as the greatest nuclear scientist on Earth. [i]Self-Restraint:[/i] When Banner is the Hulk he can influence the Hulk's behavior only to a very limited extent.In a kind of "Hulk/Banner" hybrid. It is unsure on how much they can influence eachother currently. [/hider] [hider=Hulk] [i]Transformation:[/i] In times of great stress, rage, fear or anything that hormonally increases heart rate and increases physical abilities in normal human beings instead transforms him into the Hulk. However as he can transform in times of calm (later, not currently) this indicates that there is something physological as well as physical. Due to the reaction being often related to stress it is almost night impossible to physically wound him without the Hulk appearing. It is not known how but when his rage subsides, or the "Hulk" relinquishes control or some unknown reasons the extra bodymass he gains during transformation is lost. As the Hulk his skin turns green and he turns into a 8'8", 2,400 lb goliath. [i]Strength:[/i] Hulk is best known for his strength that can affect his entire body. Though this is said to be almost unlimited due to varying factors such as the Hulks rage/stress/excitedness or indeed Gamma Radiation or Dark Magic fuels his strength. Though the physche of Bruce Banner can also affect the Hulk and can limit the Hulks strength, which is why the Hulk never actually kills anyone. Despite this the more enraged Hulk gets, the stronger he gets the less open he is to reason and the less coherent he is and the less he thinks about his actions. Which makes him dangerous, especially if he is against a certain target as he won't care about anyone/thing else in his way. - This also extends to his lungs that are able to inhale vast quantities of air (Though he hasn't figured out this yet). - Naturally this extends to his legs, allowing him to run great speeds for his size or jump vast distances. [i]Invulnrability:[/i] In addition to immense strength, the Hulk's body possesses a high degree of resistance to physical injury. The Hulk has survived tremendous amount of punishment throughout his career. The Hulk's skin is impervious to conventional blades, Adamantium and Vibranium being strictly the few known metals that can effectively pierce and penetrate his skin. However other beings of immense strength, such as Abomination or beings augmented such as the Hulkbuster armour can cause some physical damage. Strong blows to the head depending on his level of rage can also knock him out, and while he is usually impervious to gasses/tranquilizers sufficiently strong doses in high quantities can knock him out. [i]Regenerative Healing Factor:[/i] Despite the Hulk's high resistance to physical harm, it is possible to cause the Hulk injury. If he is caused injury it is possible for him to heal the wounds at great speeds, however he cannot regrow limbs lost limbs unless he is enraged to levels that he has not yet reached or is victim to a high enough dose of radiation. This healing factor is also the reason it is hard to use tranquilizers to knock him out as his body tries to counter the drugs, and does so rapidly. [i]Adaptive:[/i] It is possible for Hulk to faced extende periods of time in oxygen-less outer space/under water without suffocating, but he is also capable of speaking in these enviroments. However it is theorised that this is linked to his level of rage and he has yet to experience this. [i]Increased Psionic Resistance:[/i] In many instances the Hulk has demonstrated great psychic resistance as side-effect of his rage and the multiple personalities inside his mind. However it is capable, of using mental input to further enrage the Hulk or even enrage Bruce Banner to the point in becoming the Hulk.[/hider] [b] Sample Story Arcs:[/b] - Menace or Hero? Hulk/Banner need to find a way to co-exist. - Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D - Currently reading these ones and I love the concept. - Avenger? - That's if you do this Arc I'd like to get involved in it. - Planet Hulk - Depending on if you plan to open up the cosmic realm this could be a possibility if he is cast out, and a way to tie in cosmic/earth based heroes together. [b] Sample Post:[/b] [i]Just keep it together Bruce.[/i] He let out a sigh, before breathing in again slowly. Opening his eyes. Cap low over his forehead he walked off the bus into the city. He was here to try and make his way towards the Future Foundation. They'd help surely, they had to help. He couldn't do this himself, that much was obvious and the military was hunting him. No the best option was to go to Oscorp. Norman Osborne was supposedly one of the smartest guys on the planet and had the resources to back him, yes he himself was smart but his expertise were limited largely to that off radiation everything else was... well. Not really his field. This was at the point where he stopped really watching where he was going, jostled a bit to the left. To the right, someone was on front of him. Then he looked up and he was in an alley. Two people followed him in and he knew immediately this was bad. Breaking off at a run, keeping his breathing controlled. He stopped as he was facing a big guy, about six foot. Towering over him. One of them drew a knife. "Ooooh, somebody is wanting trouble." [color=007236]"No guys, I don't want any trouble. Why don't you just let me go and nobody will have to get hurt, all right?"[/color] He winced, he had said it. That was it, they'd see that as a challenge. "Oh, nobody will get hurt huh? Why don't we just waste this one? Thinks he's so big." He screamed, part in fear part in pain as he felt the blade pierce his back. His heart rate elevated, and he fell to the ground screaming. Convulsing the thugs just looked upon him perplexed. They didn't hit him that hard did they? It was only a little blade, not meant to go very deep. That's when he looked up at one of them, his eyes turning green and his skin began to shift. "He's one of those mutant freaks! Get him!" The kicking didn't help them, in fact it made things worse. All he could focus on, besides the pain was that he didn't want to kill these people. He couldn't lie, he didn't want to hurt them, but he didn't want them to be killed. Bones snapped and moved, grinding against one another. Muscle mass grew as if out of nowhere as the thugs began to step back. The Hulk stood, the knife falling broken out of his back. He just breathed heavily, one of the thugs moved first. Pulling out a gun and shot Hulk in the back. He just turned absorbing the shot. Throwing a dustbin in their direction knocking two of them into a nearby wall, when the other three began to run he jumped, pulling himself via the building (and removing a chunk of wall) to get on front of them. There he stomped, the ground cracking enough that they fell into it... [[If this is acceptable, this is where I'll start the IC.]]