The Drow had watched as the scene began to unfold around her and several of the others began to move already, turning to help or hinder one another as the door burst open and three beings walked in. Allowing herself to drop into infrared vision she watched the heat signatures of the others move about and suddenly one was still, frozen by the Painted Elf who she'd attempted to avoid for a time but called him to her again pretending to need his help. In all honestly, she planned on slaughtering the tavern in the first place and the appearance of the Salvagers only made it easier for her as she looked down at them. The siren summoned something, a demon it looked like and she smirked, knowing that that thing would attack the first thing to go near it as she had dealt with such a thing before and as the Salvager neared a few others attacked it. Fade glanced at the other, the one to have killed the barkeep and grinned again, allowing her spell of invisibility to fade away while she touched her cloud of darkness over the Siren and her Demon. Suddenly she dropped, spinning in the air to wrap her thighs around the neck of the third Salvager, bringing the dagger in her hand around to plunge into the things chest while she bore it down to the ground, elegantly flicking around so she would landing on it while repeatedly driving her dagger into all vital areas she could get near. The Drow did not linger to see if it was really dead, instead she rolled off and ducked to the side with a wicked glance at the Painted Elf while he stood not four feet from her, blood spattering not only her armor but her cloak and face, dripping from her grey skin while lavender eyes turned to the cloud of inky blackness. She ducked beneath the hammers of the werewolf, grabbing a tankard and dumping it's contents on the floor as she slid into the darkness and followed her instincts. She cast her harmless Fearie Fire spell to outline both the demon and the Siren so she would be able to see them via the heat it created. She stood behind to girl, already chanting as she jammed the tankard against the girls chest, holding her in such a way that even if her summon creature sure her, it wouldn't be able to attack her from her field of vision.[color=orchid] "All it takes is water right?"[/color] Fade paused in her chanting and the cold magic was threading through the both of their bodies while she pulled away the tankard and dropped her own blood in it. With another word she drank the mix of their blood and it was complete; she was bonded with the siren. She dropped the tankard and left the cloud of darkness to vanish again with the single spoken word, her name in Drow.