[quote=@Behemoth542] [@Genni] Unless otherwise stated [b]in the game[/b], your [color=green]health[/color] and [color=yellow]energy[/color] replenishes. Buffs and debuffs also dissapear. As an alternative, I was thinking to have a turn or two without an enemy instead. In that time, they would have special actions (rest, chat, examine, etc) that would normally not be avialable in a fight. [/quote] I think the 'rest period' idea would be good, since players could then choose to [b]Rest[/b] and regain health or [b]Recover/Eat/Meditate[/b] to recover energy. If a player hadn't taken much damage or used much energy they could instead [b]Interact[/b] with the fallen enemy in order to gain bonus XP or possibly a bonus to their abilities for the next battle, which would then reward players who'd performed well taking the enemy down quickly without taking much damage, and give players who'd been more defensive or not been targeted by the enemy a chance to gain some XP as well. Plus if anyone wants to spend the time making out with Nightingale in the medical tent they're more than welcome, for a modest fee. :lol