[Eliisa] After resting for some time in the tree, Eliisa decided it was time to do some reconnaissance. [i]I should try be discreet, don’t want to attract the attention of those monsters or dangerous people.[/i] Switching her form directly to a smaller sparrow, she stretched out her wings and started flying. Now that it she wasn’t fleeing for her life, she could enjoy the flying, rising with the thermals and feeling the wind ruffle her feathers. [i]I can’t see how we humans can be satisfied with just walking. It’s so...freeing up here. Feels like I can go anywhere and accomplish anything.[/i] Looking down, she spied several dragons ferociously attacking the blight monsters using their sharp claws and teeth in addition to having a flame breath. [i]Now I [/i]really[i] feel like I’ve been dumped in a fantasy world. Being able to shapeshift is fun and all, but I’m not sure if it’s worth risking my life for that.[/i] Banking her wings slightly, she spotted more people on the track, engaging in the monsters. Eliisa decided that she didn’t want to meet more people yet, so she continued on, soaring over the gym and the dormitories. [i]I wonder what the rooms are like. Hopefully they’re nice and spacious. And that my roommate is either dead or a kind person.[/i] Soon enough, she completed an entire circle around the school and made a mental map of it. [i]Since this environment is completely foreign to me, I should find out as much information as possible.[/i] [hr] [Naoi] He couldn’t afford to slip up now--he was responsible for the lives of 20 some students in the classroom. Naoi killed a monster as it pounced toward a fellow classmate. [i]This is not a job I should be handling by myself.[/i] He pointed to a boy, “Help me watch my back! I can’t watch the entire classroom with just me and seconds matter in life-or-death situations. The boy hastily replied, “Okay.” Naoi felt exhausted. It was no small feat constantly imagining constructs to protect the others while simultaneously killing all the monsters that spawned. [i]If this goes on much longer, I might not hold out until the end. I have to find others so dealing with blights will take less of a toll on me.[/i] Materializing more mochi ice cream to snack on, Naoi waited for the blight to end so he could check out his room and collapse on the bed.