[i][url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JzPBmL8UjMA]"Equals?[/url] [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I11yjhCKTf4]I have none."[/url][/i] [hider=Saveniel Volduriaz] [img]http://i1047.photobucket.com/albums/b477/ERode/KnightErubo_zpsd671bbc1.jpg[/img][/hider] [b]Age:[/b] 18 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Nation of Origin:[/b] Kaien [center][b]Personality:[/b] In the battlefields of Daer, strength is the only true virtue. Sympathy is for the dead. Pity is for the weak. Mercy is for the unfit. The strong need not hold back in consideration for the weak, because victory is their birthright, and it would be foolish to deny such. Those are the principals that Saveniel Volduriaz, one of the youngest Grand Masters of the Kaien Army, follows. He may not be particularly sadistic or particularly bloodthirsty, but the young man is someone who firmly believes in the idea that 'might makes right'. The losers have no right to complain, and to the winners go the spoils. He has a black-and-white perception of the world, seeing it as a place clearly divided between the strong and the weak. In exchange for protection, the weak offer tributes to the strong, who drench themselves in the blood of their enemies to honor the natural balance between the two. Savaniel is strong, and will protect the weak, but when fighting them, he will show no mercy or pity. There are only people who are stronger than him and weaker than him, because the concept of an 'equal' is silly and impossible, unless he was fighting himself. Thus is the clear cut ideology of Savaniel, one who brings Salvation to his allies and Destruction to his enemies. There are no longer any inbetweens for him. [b]Equipment:[/b] Savaniel is a Grand Master of the Kaien Army, a title granted to those who have mastered, at the very minimum, every conventional weapon used by the Kaien. He serves directly under Roza Heartford as one of the many knights serving in the prestigious Priestess's Guard. Such a position is one that brings much wealth, and as such, Savaniel has the luxury of being able to purchase any type of weapon he wants. In his vast armouries are racks upon racks of enchanted weapons, rows of Donaien firearms, treasuries full of ancestral Thao blades. Amongst the fifteen Grand Masters currently active under the service of Roza, Savaniel could be considered the one that has the most weapons by far. [b]Magic:[/b] Some knights choose to learn spells that boost their physical strength. Some others choose to learn how to throw elemental balls around, to compensate for their lack of range. Many choose to learn regenerative magics, to allow them to fight longer in the battlefield. But none have the same amount of weapons that Savaniel has, and thus, none chose to use the same magic that he possesses. Savaniel Volduriaz uses the Boundless Blade, a spell that allows him to call forth any weapon that he has previously marked, allowing him to summon that weapon in any position for a radius of 10 meters. Though deceptively simple, at his level, the Grand Master is capable of summoning up to twenty weapons at a time, and considering the magical qualities of almost all his weapons, something like that has a massive amount of destructive potential. Furthermore, after manifesting the weapons, he is able to control them telepathically within a 5 meter distance of himself, as well as launch them at speeds comparable to that of Donaien bullets. An extremely versatile spell, Savaniel can even FLY, simply by riding his own weapons. The Grand Master has another spell, Night of the Wild Hunt, but thus far, all people know is that the activation of such a spell will enclose a one kilometer area in a sphere of darkness, keeping all inside. [b]Additional Info:[/b] His mastery of weapons, compared to other Grand Masters, is still rather 'diluted', but Savaniel's skill is many times above that of normal soldiers.[/center]