[H1][center][color=6ecff6]IVAN[/color][/CENTER][/h1] Ivan sighed as he pushed his way through a group blocking the passage to the common area, the sound coming out more like a growl as it made its way through the gas mask on his face. This earned him a few odd glances, but they were easily ignored, the Faunas used to the questioning looks, but they disappeared from sight once he was past them, the immense weapon on his back hiding them from view. He thought he heard a grumble from someone as it bounced gently off of them, but his weapon was surprisingly light for the moment. Either way he didn't respond, doggedly trying to escape from the crowds. The common area he entered was thankfully quieter than the place he had just left, his heartbeat calming down now that he'd gotten some space to himself. Ivan looked around the room for a distraction, trying to distance himself from the situation he was in. There was little here he found familiar, no sea breeze bringing the smell of salt, no roar of machinery as boats were readied for the next outing, just people and clouds. And he had little experience with either. His mouth flexed inside as he fought the urge to take off the mask. Ivan was unused to keeping it on for so long, usually only donning it for quick trips town, and it was rather humid inside, but it was less uncomfortable than the looks he received from most other Faunas and all humans for the rows of teeth his mouth held. They marked him undeniably as a predator, and often brought forth that primal fight or flight instinct. Ivan made his way to a sitting area near a window, leaning Jet Stream against the armrest of the couch, a heavy thump as it hit the ground once he released it, and sat down, looking around quickly to confirm he was alone for the moment, before loosening the straps on his mask, letting it hang from his ears slightly, a contented sigh escaping as the cold air hit his face, a look o f relaxation coming upon him. He relaxed as he stared out the window, a small glare crossing his eyes as he tried to will the clouds away, looking for a break to catch sight of the sea he knew as well as his own room by now. He'd be lying if he said he wasn't home sick, but the thoughts of his clan had steeled him, knowing they needed this to keep their way of life. The thoughts of family brought a smile to his face as he placed his hand on the head of Jet Stream. For a moment nothing happened aside from a small pulse of blue light spreading from his hand, before it opened to reveal a handful of cartridges holding dust of various shades, blue making up the majority. He gingerly grabbed one of the blue ones, emptying a small bit of the blue powder onto the table in front of him before replacing it in the weapon, the head quickly closing back on itself. He spent a few moments shifting the blue sands around on the table, making small clusters close together, becoming unaware of the world around him in his task, before giving a nod and extending a hand towards the pile, sending a shock of pale blue Aura through it, a brief flash and light crackling noise revealing a small sculpture on the table now. He smiled with nostalgia as the form showed a young girl before him, no older than 13 at best in a plain dress. His sister had been one of the last things he'd seen as he'd boarded the ship, waving from the platform as he left. The memory of her waving form brought a smile to his face.