[b]Five Points Station/Metropolitan, Atlanta, Georgia United States of America[/b] [i][b][color=#FE2E2E]Benjamin Young[/color][/b][/i] The smell of sweat protruded the room, the heavy heaving of breath resounded all over Ben's sleeping quarters. Benjamin had just finished his recently thought up exercise regime, though he had only managed to barely do half, but it was a start. He thinks that in this god forsaken, barren world, that maintaining being fit hands him the best chance at survival. Being overweight and slow would get him killed, is what he was thinking when he planned this. Benjamin and Victoria had planned to scavenge the nearby areas for supplies and maybe some willing survivors, like the Five Points convenience store or the nearby McDonalds. Maybe the convenience store had some medical supplies or necessities which was vital or the McDonalds had more food and water to replenish their dwindling supply, though they had a relatively abundant water supply to spare from a previous scavenging trek. Luckily the water was still running, albeit only stark cold showers since the heater was damaged and neither Benjamin nor Victoria had the know-how to repair it but it was something. With the cool water trickling down Benjamin's back, he could only think of the world before [i]it[/i] happened. How everything was so much better and peaceful, but now with everyone standing divided and stabbing each other's back, there was a war on two fronts, one with the walking dead and the other with humans themselves. Finally finishing his shower that took longer than anticipated because he indulged in contemplative brooding. He was slowly wiping off the wet areas and reached for his jeans, which didn't smell to well but worked for the time being. After he put on his pants, Victoria entered the room and stood somewhat shocked at him. [color=#FE2E2E]"Would you knock please?"[/color] he said to Victoria who was just standing there with a mock grin. [color=#FE2E2E]"Anyway, I figured there were two areas that might have some left over supplies that the Bandits might have not gotten, or hell maybe some survivors. It was over at the Five points convenience store or even the McDonalds nearby, maybe the pharmaceutical? Your call.[/color] he said to her, still in her relatively shocked disposition.