Indi sighed as he looked out of the window. He cursed himself for putting his portable gaming console in his bag. He didn't feel like getting it out, but he was also ridiculously bored. Who knew the drive to Beacon was gonna be this bland? He thought someone was gonna attempt to fight him, or talk, or... something. So, he simply stared out the window, looking for something of interest. After a few moments, he found it, but he had to double take. Some idiot was sitting outside the plane, or blimp, or whatever the hell you classified this thing as. He was fiddling with something, probably his weapon. He was super confused as to why no parts were flying out, but more importantly he also wasn't flying off. Indi decided he wanted in on that too. On the way he found someone else who was wearing a mask, and creepily staring at a thirteen year old girl. Seemed like he and Indi would get along. There was this shy looking girl nervously fidgeting and staring at her suitcase. Cute. He also came across a cowboy, oddly enough, but resisted the urge to make any jokes, and continued on his mission. But, after about five minutes, he found the door he thought lead to the outside. With gusto, he kicked it open, and walked outside, Boreas Gloves prepped just in case. He walked out onto the platform, jacket blowing in the strong winds. Luckily, it didn't fall off or anything,probably because of the satchel strap wrapped around his waist. He turned to the emo looking dude with a smirk hidden behind his mask, and introduced himself. "Sup. I'm Indi, who the hell are you?"