Ramia smirked and lead the Guardian in to a quick downwards dive - with the missiles in hot pursuit she'd have to seriously improvise - and improvise she did. The flightsuit made a quick loop and dashed between the fighters, slamming into one - destroying it and suffering damage to the right part of it's torso. The missiles following the flight suit destroyed two more fighters as the Halcyon general zigzagged from one fighter to the next. One fighter was dispatched by a swift booster assisted kick and a second one took a quick burst of MG fire through the cockpit. The dark haired woman was getting rather desperate to get the remaining missiles off of her tail so she could concentrate on taking out the three remaining fighters. The Guardian zoomed past the bridge - scraping the large window and causing the remaining missiles to strike the side of the ship. With a little smirk Ramia turned her attention back towards the three remaining fighters and charged towards them. ______ The whole firefight had happened so quickly that Belle had barely had enough time to even pull out her pistol. She decided that staying back for now was the best she could do. "Shouldn't we do something about those drones?"